Page 13 - The Empowerment Approach Evidence Chart
P. 13

Element of            Key Points from Evidence Base                   What this means for those supporting                    Key tools/resources developed                     Leading experts working in the field
      Programme                                                             young people & their families                           within our programme                              related to this
      The Role of           Executive Function Skills are crucial for       There’s always something behind behaviour:              ▪    Gold Learning Skills (Executive              Dr Jack P Shonkoff
      Executive             learning and development.                       when children fail to meet expectations, our                 Function Skills) cards                       Center on the Developing Child, Harvard

      Function Skills       They also enable children to meet               first step should be to look behind the                 ▪    Strength based perspectives on               University.
      in Children’s         home and classroom expectations and             behaviour and identify unmet needs and                       Executive Function Skills          
      Success               demonstrate helpful, positive                   missing Executive Function skills.                      ▪    EF Animal Scales: identifying helpful
                            behaviours.                                                                                                  & unhelpful contexts for each                Dr Philp Zelazo
                            Strong Executive Function Skills enable         Using a strength-based perspective, we can              ▪    Executive Function Skills checklist          Dr Stephanie Carlson
                            children to prioritise, plan and achieve        build on the skills a child has – focusing on           ▪    Series of tasks to explore each    

                            well in learning and in life.                   when the skills is helpful or unhelpful. E.g. It             Executive Function Skill                     ool-learning/for-educators/
                            Some children have poorer neural                is helpful to have hypervigilant attention              ▪    Series of tip sheets on developing
                            circuitry in the pre-frontal cortex             control at time of danger or when playing a                  specific Executive Function Skills and  Dr Ross Greene
                            where Executive Function Skills are             team sport. It is less helpful when completing               alternative scaffolds and strategies
                            housed; these children will have                an essay.                                                    for supporting Executive Function            cps
                            genuine difficulties in EF skills such as                                                                    Skill difficulties.
                            emotional and energy regulation,                We can build Executive Function skills                  ▪    Pathways to Independence model               Dr Stuart Ablon

                            impulse control, flexible thinking and          through intentional focus and practice.                      to ensure progress over time and   
                            working memory.                                                                                              avoid rescuing and dependency.
                            Challenging behaviour comes about               Children need scaffolds and support whilst              ▪    Equity versus Equality model                 Peggy Dawson & Richard Guare:
                            when the demands of a situation are             they build lagging skills.                                                                      
                            too great for the Executive Function

                            Skills the child possesses to manage
                            these demands
      Neurodiversity        Neurodiverse Profiles mean that                 - Accepting Executive Function difficulties as          ▪    Unit explaining neurodiversity and           Mary Colley, DANDA
      & Executive           some individuals who have not                   genuine.                                                     the four quadrants as well as
      Function              experienced adverse childhood                   - Seeing neurodiversity as difference rather                 common difficulties and strengths.           Dr Thomas Armstrong
      Difficulties          experiences or trauma have specific             than disability.                                        ▪    Spikey Profile Model               
                            difficulties in areas related to                - Adapting teaching to support those with               ▪    Strengths & Difficulties Cards               -armstrong/

                            Executive Functions                             poor Executive Function skills.                         ▪    Executive Function Skills strategy           Dr Ellen Braaten
                            This means that some children will              - Keeping a sharp focus on strengths                         documents                          
                            genuinely find it more difficult to focus       - Helping children to recognise/build on                                                                  us/our-team/ellen-braaten-phd/
                            attention, process & recall                     strengths and recognise/accept difficulties so                                                            Peggy Dawson & Richard Guare:
                            instructions, organise themselves and           they can self-advocate positively.                                                              

                            manage impulses.
      Calm Connect          Adult self-regulation is key.                   Consistently calm and positive                          ▪    Unit: Responding when Things Go              Dr Daniel J. Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson
      Support               Responding positively and calmly is             communication with children is essential if                  Wrong                              
                            crucial to helping children regulate.           we want relationships to be good and their              ▪    The Power of Relationships video             Paul Dix
                            It is also vital in protecting their self-      self-esteem to stay high. It will also make it          ▪    Task on the short and long-term              Faber & Mazlish
                                                                                                                                                                                      Parental emotion and emotion regulation: A critical
                            concept, future self-esteem and                 more likely that they will want to work to                   goals when working with children
                                                                                                                                                                                      target of study for research and intervention to
                            preventing a negative spiral.                   solve issues with us.                                        and the impact of traditional                promote child emotion socialization
                            A focus on supporting the adult to be                                                                        methods on a child’s self-concept            Hajal, Nastassia J; Paley, Blair.Developmental
                            able to effectively regulate is crucial.                                                                                                                  Psychology Vol. 56, Iss. 3,  (Mar 2020): 403-417.
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