Page 18 - The Empowerment Approach Evidence Chart
P. 18

Element of   Key Points from Evidence Base   What this means for those   Key tools/resources developed within our   Leading experts working in the field

 Programme   supporting young people &   programme             related to this
 their families

 ‘Coaching 2   Building new neural pathways takes   When there are repeated   ▪   Guidance on working with the individual: the 15   Dr Ross Greene
 Success’   focus, time and practice.    incidents, adults should work   stage programme
 Individual      with the child in a more   ▪   Identifying Priorities guidance and checklist   cps
 Coaching   Helping children better understand   intensive way to identify   ▪   Needs Cards   Dr Stuart Ablon
 Programme   their difficulties and providing   triggers, difficulties and missing   ▪   Strengths & Skills Cards
 opportunities to address unmet needs   skills and use regular coaching   ▪   Executive Function Skills Checklist
 and build missing skills will lead to   to support the child in making   ▪   Filling cups and building skills action Plan

 long-term progress.    progress.    templates
    ▪   @ My Best, Metaphor Maker and Bright Spots
 Building skills needs intentional focus   tools.
 and practice.    ▪   Scaling Tool
 ▪   Stop Start Action model

 Implementation   Collaboration of all adults working   One therapy session a week   ▪   All adults attending training.    Dr Bruce Perry
 across school   with the young person to support a   will not be sufficient –   ▪   All agencies attend training   Neurosequential Model of Education
 and any   shared, consistent language    ensure all staff use the same   ▪   Share visual and concrete resources, models and   Using_a_neurodevelopmental_lens_wh
 external      language used by all adults.
 principles, strategies, models                                en_working_with_children.pdf
 agencies   Principle that weekly or even a few   ▪   Shared assessment document driven, accessible
 and language.                                                 (
 working with   times a week intervention is   to and owned by young person.
 the young   insufficient and ‘a web of interactions’      ▪   Tracking skills and needs systems that are used by

 person   from all adults is required for efficacy.    Rehearsal of key skills within   the child with adults, not by adults with child.    Rehearsal of lagging Executive Function
    different contexts and   ▪   Executive Function checklist    skills:
 Repeated therapeutic interactions are   repeated regularly.    ▪   Helpful skills app for children and young people   Dr Stuart Ablon
 needed.                                                       Think:Kids : The Research
 Neuroscience: repetition and rehearsal                        (Partners: Laboratory for Youth Behaviour

 applied in different contexts and                             Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts
 practised within contexts necessary for                       General Hospital)
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