Page 32 - EF Skills Checklist portrait
P. 32
The brain acts differently
in safety and threat:
Under threat, When in safety, the
the brain reacts: brain reacts:
EMOTIONAL: I need to STEADY: I can be calm
be emotional – shout and steady – I don’t
and scream so others
need to call for help.
come and rescue me
RIGID: I need to be FLEXIBLE: I know I am
rigid and focus only on safe so I can think of
one thing - what I
others too.
need to survive
DELIBERATE: I can take
IMPULSIVE: I need to my time and think
be impulsive and react things through – I don’t
quickly to danger have to make urgent
decisions to stay safe.
FOCUSED: I do not need
ALERT: I need to be to worry about dangers
alert and on guard to around me. I can focus
any dangers around us
on one task.
When does your brain act in threat mode?
Is it a real threat? Does your response help
the situation?
What would be better?