Page 28 - UNIT 9 Getting Brain Fit_Neat
P. 28

2a. Teach children the neurobiology of met

     & unmet needs, in the moment & over time

     Using the units within Section B of our training programme, help children to make sense of what

     happens when needs are met well and not met so well.

     This knowledge will help children to a) make sense of any struggles and improve self-concept and b) be

     better equipped to take control of their brain.

     Please also refer to the animations: Brain Best, Danger Brain and The Balance of Life.

                                                     When needs   DOSE is released   Our Executive Function Skills work at their best
                                                     are met well

        Section B: Understanding the Brain                         Dopamine

                                                                                    It is easier to think quickly, remember information, be
                                                                                     flexible, think things through and regulate feelings.

      When needs   Stress chemicals are released  Some things are turned down  Some things are turned up
      are not met
                                          1  system is turned   3     1  More oxygen is sent to  Over time, this can make a difference to how resilient or vulnerable we are to
                                            Our digestive
                                             down     Our pre-frontal cortex   our lungs and heart
                                          (Which is why we may not feel   is turned down  (This is to give energy for fight or flight).   stressors
                                          like eating when stressed, or
                                          we may overeat).   (Which is why it is harder to remember
                                                    things, stay calm, be flexible, manage
                                                    impulses etc. when stress is high).
                          Cortiso            Our immune system is turned     Blood is pumped towards our
                                                                             organs / away from our limbs
                                             down                          3  (This increases our heart rate so we can
                                                                             fight or flight easily. It also means we
                                           2  (Which is why stressed people are  lose less blood if our limbs are attacked).
                                             more vulnerable
                                             to illness).
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