P. 59

Growth Zones

                    In life, there will always be times when are needs cannot be met so well: it

                    may be too noisy, the task may feel really difficult or a bit boring or we may

                    be around people who we are not sure if they like us. That is TOUGH!

                    Being able to tolerate times when our needs are not met is a really

                    important skill in life.

                    The first step is to extend or grow our tolerance control.

                    That means being able to stay calm and hold on to an unpleasant feeling

                    without reacting with a threat response – one of those prickle responses.

                    We call this being able to stand in the Growth


                    It means standing outside of your comfort

                    and managing to stay in the Growth Zone.

                    On the next page is some tips on how to

                    manage this.
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