Page 10 - The Changing Chances Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills (Executive Function Skills) MASTER 2020
P. 10

Helping you to remember well:

         How adults can help you                              What you can do to help yourself

         Give you a chance to plan how you are                If we don’t feel good physically and
         going to remember instructions or information        emotionally, our Working Memory will be
         before you start.                                    worse, so …

         Give you plenty of time to process                   Prepare to be at your best before you start –
         information or instructions.                         work out what you need to feel good in the
                                                              class. Check the blue physical and green
         Keep information and instructions in                 emotional Needs cards – which might be a
         chunks of 3 or less.                                 problem for you and stop you from feeling good
                                                              and focusing well? What could you do to
         Give you information in a visual way –               improve them?
         never ask you to rely only on your auditory            Explore how you remember best: find the
         memory i.e. just hearing things. Always use          best way that works for you to remember
         pictures, diagrams, photos or showing you            information, jobs to get done or instructions to
         something to help you remember.                      follow.
                                                              This may be writing lists, drawing pictures or
         Ask you to repeat what you need to do for            recording yourself saying the main points
         an activity to check you have understood
         correctly.                                           Plan how you are going to remember
                                                              instructions or information before you start.
         Teach you how to listen for the main
         points in information and jot them down as           Learn how to look out for the main points
         bullet points. This will support your working        in information – this will help you to write
         memory so you can keep track of lessons              bullet points and create Mind Maps
         better.                                                Practice finding the main points in
                                                              information – do it with short video clips
         Teach you how to create a Mind Map of                about things you’re interested in. Practice
         the main points you hear to help you use the         writing these main points down in bullet points.
         information you have heard to complete tasks.
                                                              Practice creating Mind Maps to record the
         Teach you how to read actively and create            main points in information you have heard or
         a mind map of what you are reading to help           read. The more you do this, the easier it will be.
         you understand what you are reading (see the         Try doing it with information you are really
         PQ3R method).                                        interested in.

         Provide you with a tablet so you can:                Ask for more time if you feel rushed.
                                                                Ask for information in chunks of 3
             ▪  Record parts of the lesson,
             ▪  Take photos of the board / parts of the       Ask for information visually - in pictures/
                 lesson                                       diagrams or photos
             ▪  Jot down bullet points
             ▪  Complete a Mind map of the main points        Ask people to give real life examples so
                                                              you can link it to your experiences

         This will mean can remind yourself later and         Ask people to give a demonstration so you
         will help you remember information better. It        have an experience to remember – your
         will also help you to complete tasks.                episodic memory is good so this will help you.

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