Page 14 - The Changing Chances Strength Based Approach to Control Centre Skills (Executive Function Skills) MASTER 2020
P. 14
Why do some people have slower thinking skills?
Remember the neural firing described at the start of this report? We described how
messages get passed from one neuron to another over a gap called the ‘synapse’.
Scientists think that some people have bigger gaps between their neurons because
the dendrites (those branches) are shorter.
They also think some people may have a thinner myelin sheath (that fatty coating
along the trunk which helps the messages to travel faster).
Do people have the same Thinking Speeds for everything?
No. Some people may have super-fast thinking speed when playing on their x-box
yet take ages to take in information when reading.
A person can react super quickly in football yet take ages to process what people
are saying.
Is a person’s Thinking Speeds always the same?
No. We can have very different Thinking Speeds in different situations.
When we feel anxious, our Thinking Speed can be much slower.
When we feel happy and calm and are doing something we feel good at,
it is easier to think more quickly and accurately.
That’s why it’s SO important to make sure our physical and emotional needs are
met well.