P. 36
Other people find it harder to block out new thoughts and ideas.
Their mind might wander from one thought to another.
This is great for tasks that need creative thinking – like coming up
with new, different and original ideas. Inventors, designers, artists and
composers need this kind of mind-wandering attention.
It is not so good for tasks that need to keep thoughts on one thing – like
completing a piece of maths homework.
Here is another picture to show this kind of
mind-wandering thinking.
The butterflies represent thoughts and ideas.
The open door of the person’s brain represents
how they let in the different thoughts and ideas
in – there is no net to stop them.
The person’s attention may wander away from
the task with internal distractions (thoughts
and ideas that are nothing to do with the task) or
external distractions (movements, sounds,
smells etc. in the environment.