Page 43 - Course 1 Shifting Mindset: What is the best approach for supporting children and why?
P. 43

1 Building the Foundations

                         In this section we learn:

                         ▪ All about the brain: how it is built (Brain Building), how it is shaped (Brain
                              Shaping) and the parts that help us to learn and play well (Brain Control)

                         ▪ Brain Needs: what we need to engage in life, study and socialise well and

                              be ‘brain best’ - just like a personal trainer helps us to be at our physical

       ▪ Brain Best: What happens to the brain and body when needs are met well.

       ▪ Brain Stress: What happens when needs are not met well and become stressors. How

           to look out for and recognise signs of stress - in ourselves and in others, whatever our
           age, so that we can get back on track more quickly.

       ▪ Brain Clear: How we can work with children to set expectations that work for everyone.

           How we can set expectations and in a way that helps children learn how to act and speak
           in pro-social ways in a variety of situations without needing external controls.

       ▪ Brain Prep: How we can help children prepare to be at their best and meet the

           expectations agreed.
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