Page 125 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
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66 Deception at Work                                      Parent


           Critical  Nurturing                            Critical  Nurturing

                   ADULT            An equal transaction  ADULT

                   Child                                  Child

           Adaptive  Rebellious                           Adaptive  Rebellious

Figure 3.10 Transactional analysis

    These roles – shown in Figure 3.10 – are further illustrated in Table 3.6.

    TA is relevant in all meetings and interviews and we must elevate our subconscious behav-
iour to a conscious level.

    TA is a very powerful tool in establishing or destroying rapport

Table 3.6 Roles in transactional analysis

Ego state            Primary channel Role model example
                     of communication Attitude

Parent: critical     Whatever is           Father or mother who disciplines a child
Parent: nurturing    normal for the        Assertive, disciplinary, punishing, censuring
                     person concerned
                     plus emotional        Father or mother who nurtures and comforts a child
                                           Consoling, teaches, guides, mentors, encourages,
                                           empathizes, helps sort out problems

Adult                Normal for the        The usual ego state in business

                     person concerned Controlled – logical – responsible – political – unemotional

Child: adaptive      Whatever is           Emotional and willing to comply
Child: rebellious    normal for the        Willing, cooperative, loving
                     person concerned
                     plus emotional        Awkward and looking for trouble, either as the natural
                                           child or the little professor, who is manipulative
                                           Truculent, angry, emotional etc.
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