Page 126 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 126

The Human Mind 67

BORINGLY OBNOXIOUS                              Elevate to a conscious level all of those
                                                things that you don’t like about him, the
Chances are that there is someone in your       symptoms and prejudices. Next time you
life that you do not like: maybe you find him    meet, carefully observe him, ask him nice
boring, rude or otherwise obnoxious: he         questions and show an interest. You may
might even be an investigator. Rapport will     find you begin to like him and he will you18.
be totally absent and chances are he does
not like you. Why not try a little experiment.

    On the other hand, if you want to create disharmony you simply take an approach that you
know will not align with the subject’s dominant hemisphere, impose a crossed transactional
relationship (see page [xref]) and create negative rapport. We will return to the important art
of deliberately winding people up later.


Transactions are regarded as ‘equal’ when the parties to them accept their roles. Equal transac-
tions build rapport. In business, most transactions take place on an adult-to-adult level and
can be regarded as more or less ‘equal’ (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7 Equal transactions

Person 1         Person 2

Adult            Adult

Child            Child

Critical parent  Adaptive child

                 Rebellious child

Nurturing parent Adaptive child

                 Rebellious child

    Equal transactions are normally harmonious and rapport building and they can be con-
sciously controlled.

18 If at the end of the experiment he asks to borrow £100, you know it has failed
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