Page 219 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
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220 Deception at Work
THE MODEST AUDITOR put him in the transactional role of a child
and the embedded command ‘stupid’ stuck
An auditor for a very large conglomerate in the minds of auditees, who all seemed
would – as a matter of course – try and to agree with him. They also thought his
get others to underestimate him by saying approach was ‘patronizing’.
something along the lines: ‘I know I am only
a stupid auditor, but please tell me …’ Rather
than leading people into a trap, the words
Don’t self deprecate: it will make your hair fall out
As Forrest Gump would say: ‘That’s all we have to say about rapport,’ – at least for the mo-
ment – but it is a very important word.
Remember there are always two interviews taking place and that the subject will evaluate you
and recalibrate his approach accordingly. You may lose control of an interview if:
• you have not fully understood the issues or have misinterpreted the facts, so research care-
fully and check everything;
• you make wild allegations, so be careful how you phrase accusations;
• you bluff, bluster or show that you are angry or impatient, so remain emotionally detached;
• you let the subject succeed with lies, so always challenge them as politely as you can;
• you show your nervousness, so take a few deep breaths and focus hard on the suspect’s
nervousness as he has more to loose than you;
• you do not take on board facts which contradict your opinions: you must always keep an
open mind.
You will definitely lose control if you have not fully prepared for the interview, lack com-
mitment in the delivery of questions, succumb to an attack or do not adopt the appropriate
transactional role. Good planning and rehearsal can eliminate all of these problems.
THE BIG SHOT risked being over awed by the special
adviser. For a few thousand pounds, they
A group of serious commercial villains retained the special adviser’s ex-political
employed a powerful ex-politician who was boss and presented him at the meeting. For
also a brilliant lawyer, as a special adviser. He a few moments, there was a transactional
would be wheeled in to important meetings battle between the special adviser and the
as the ultimate critical parent. Even ex-boss, which the latter won and a fair
experienced businessmen would tremble in settlement was reached.
his presence.
Lawyers had to try and negotiate a
settlement with the villains and knew they
Keep control and remain emotionally detached.