Page 292 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 292

Other Applications 345

THE NATO FRAUD                                    One vendor became concerned over the
                                               delay in any of the contracts being closed
In 2000, a number of large electronic          and retained investigators to try and establish
companies were asked by what they              the truth. This was not difficult. Examination
believed to be the North Atlantic Treaty       of the confidentiality and other agreements
Organisation to tender for a multi-            shows that the genuine NATO never used
billion dollar contract to supply cameras,     the definite article ‘The’ in front of its name
televisions, video, editing and other          and spelt ‘organisation’ with an ‘s’ and not a
electronic equipment. More than 30             ‘z’. The names of military personnel shown in
potential vendors were required to enter       volumes of correspondence did not exist. The
into severe confidentiality and other           destination of the equipment was not an MTU
agreements (with ‘The North Atlantic Treaty    but a small apartment in Northern Belgium
Organization’) and to supply equipment,        occupied by a black American, using the
free of charge, to what they believed were     name of ‘Lamar Reed’, and his Belgian ‘wife’.
Military Testing Laboratories (MTUs) in        The corridors and garages of the apartment
Belgium and Italy.                             were stacked with boxes of valuable
                                               electronic equipment and new deliveries,
   Two American Colonels – Reed and            from the UK, Germany, Japan and the USA
West – represented NATO and over a             were being made five or six times a day.
six-month period, as equipment was
being supplied and supposedly tested to           Boxes of equipment removed from the
destruction – would telephone vendors          apartment were followed to a commercial
reporting how their equipment had passed       video processing laboratory in Paris owned
or failed laboratory testing. One vendor       by – surprise, surprise – Dr Lamar Reed.
spent six months and around $3 million         Enquiries revealed that the genuine Lamar
manufacturing a special satellite receiving    Reed was a master sergeant in the catering
system which was shipped to an MTU in          department of the American Army based in
Belgium. Another had to hire a Boeing 707      Virginia. Civil search orders were obtained
to make a special shipment to Brussels.        for addresses in the UK, Belgium and France
                                               and millions of dollars worth of equipment
   Both colonels were incredibly               recovered. The worthy Colonels, Reed and
knowledgeable and conversations (always        West, were one and the same 38-year-
on the telephone and usually late in the       old Jamaican with only elementary level
evening) with the technical and sales          education.
representatives from the vendor companies
were probing. Most conversations resulted         Why did this fraud succeed? The simple
in shipments of further equipment and          reason is that the victims, who always had
in Colonel West telling the people he was      their worries, did not engage their conscious
dealing with that Colonel Reed was a bad       brains to turn vague suspicions into specific
man and was trying to steer business to their  concerns that would require attention. They
competitors. Colonel Reed said the same,       were also blinded by the potential rewards.
to the group of vendors with whom he was
dealing, about Colonel West.
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