Page 297 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 297

350 An HR Guide to Workplace Fraud and Criminal Behaviour

    Check everything

    Make sure you positively identify the conman, for example, by covertly collecting his
fingerprints and handwriting and craftily let him realize you have done this.

THE WINE GLASS                                  all over the glass, deliberately knocked it off
                                                the table. This raised the victim’s suspicions
The victim admired the glass that contained     and he pulled out of the deal before he lost
the conman’s vermouth and asked the             his shirt.
waiter in the bar of a posh London hotel if he
could buy it to take home for his wife. The
conman, realizing his fingerprints would be

    Get a detailed written biography of the principal conman and all supporting players9 and
check them line for line, getting as much detail and personal information as you can. Most
conmen are garrulous, so whenever you have a spare moment together, find out everything
about him, where he has assets invested, his favourite haunts, the countries in which he has
lived for extended periods,11 details of his mother, father, brothers, sisters, children, spouse,
ex-spouses, lovers and ex-lovers: his hobbies, interests etc. Write all of this down and note
any changes to his story and remember if he gives you any false background, he cannot be

    One serious lie should be enough to tell you his intentions are not honest

    Also try to identify other people with whom he is working and other potential victims.
Note all of this information down. If it all goes wrong, it will be invaluable in both tracing
him and his assets.

    Get details of the competitor allegedly waiting in the background if you do not seize the
opportunity the conman is kindly offering you. Speak to the managing director of the com-
petitor or its bankers or accountants and, if you cannot do this, consider retaining investiga-
tors to get the full story. Pin everyone down to detail, preferably in writing. Let the conman
know you are taking up these references and ask him to explain any discrepancies but do not
burst the bubble until you are ready.

Get the answers and retain the evidence

Ask the conman detailed questions at every opportunity. You must also carefully document
every ‘fact’ on which you are relying and get the conman’s written acknowledgement of it. If
he does not put things in writing, you must write to him and retain proof that he has received
it. Also consider covertly recording meetings, retaining the tapes and transcripts securely.
If things go wrong you must have an overwhelming, watertight case. Make sure your corre-
spondence and computer files are complete and accurate and are kept securely. Keep back-up
copies of important documents in a secure location unknown to the conman.

    In complex cases, keep a detailed chronology recording meetings, correspondence and
promises made but not kept (Table 9.2).

 9 Especially people in the shadows who may be the real principals
10 If the going gets tough, they will flee to a country where they have connections
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