Page 296 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 296

Other Applications 349

any important aspect, you know his motives are bad and you must plan to take action at the
appropriate time.

Develop a fraud theory and minimize the downside

Develop a fraud theory and think carefully about the liar’s endgame; in most cases it will be
to take your money and run or to hide behind a thick legal shield. Pay particular attention to
pieces of the jigsaw that don’t appear to fit and try to find an explanation for them. Assume
everything that happens, and does not happen, is part of the conman’s scheme and remember
that in deception, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

    Assume everything happens for a reason and is part of the conman’s plan.
    Stand back and ask, ‘Is it viable?’

Always try to make sure you owe the conman more than he owes you. You may do this by or

• retentions or payments into an escrow account;
• performance bonds;
• personal guarantees;
• agreed performance timetable and penalties.

If he is really a conman (rather than just a suspect) he is likely to protest that you don’t trust
him and make some sort of emotional attack. Don’t panic and, if your requirements are rea-
sonable under the circumstances, don’t weaken. Make sure he delivers what he has promised
before you part with your money.

Appoint an ogre

It does not matter whether the deal is being handled with the assistance of a professional team
of advisers or not, or if it is in your business or private life. If you believe you may be seriously
deceived, you should consider appointing an ogre6 to your side who will stand slightly off
line, be a pain in the neck for the suspected conman and question everything. You can then
maintain a friendly relationship with the suspected conman, while blaming the ogre for
any difficulties. In extreme cases you can pretend to side with the conman against the ogre,
requiring him to convince you of his bona fides.7 This is a variation of the ‘good guy/bad guy’
approach suggested in some poor books on interviewing as a method of dealing with fraud

    An ogre enables you to take a neutral position

Get the background

Obtain as much background as possible on the suspected conman and the proposed trans-
action. Carry out a full due diligence audit: get bankers’ references and speak to his other
clients, but remain alert to the possibility that they are part of the scam or have themselves
been misled.

 6 Possibly a female
 7 Comer was right: Latin is just everywhere
 8 And which we do not recommend except in dealing with suspected and actual conmen
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