Page 301 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 301

354 An HR Guide to Workplace Fraud and Criminal Behaviour

Table 9.3 Types of meeting                    Potential for deception
 Type of meeting
 Examples                                     Decision- Informational Task-               Other
 INTERNAL (involving employees)               related                            related
 Team meetings
 Annual budget meetings                       High                               Low
 Bid evaluation meetings
 Detailed work on legal agreements                                               High
 EXTERNAL (involving third parties)
 Negotiations                                 High and always remain alert
 Assessment of a vendor’s quality control
 Discussion of a customer’s warrantee claims
 Compliance meetings with regulatory



The steps suggested below are mainly relevant to important meetings where gross trickery or
deception is possible. However, they can be adapted to most meetings, including those of the
Hush Puppies Appreciation Society.

Determine your objectives

Before any meeting, decide on your objectives and success criteria by asking yourself ‘If I
could wave a magic wand, what result would I like to achieve?’ Then consider if the meeting
is necessary at all or whether the same or better results could be obtained by a telephone call,
exchange of memos or by doing nothing. It is usually to your advantage if you can avoid a
meeting and play golf instead.

HAVE YOU NOTICED?                                   and returned home at midnight. The day
                                                    was a total waste of time. You told yourself
When you received the email inviting you to         you would never do the same again, but
a meeting at your office in Birmingham, you          you will. Why? Because we are all scared of
just knew it would be a waste of time. But,         missing something.
being a diligent employee, you cancelled
your golf, got up at 5.30 in the morning

    If you believe a meeting12 is going to be a waste of time, it invariably is
    Unless you are convinced a meeting is necessary, don’t go

12 In both your business and private life
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