Page 327 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 327

380 An HR Guide to Workplace Fraud and Criminal Behaviour

Table 9.7 Willing and other witnesses             Category B
                                                  Witnesses requiring persuasion
 Category A
 Probably cooperative witnesses                   Position
 Position                                         A third party such as a customer or vendor, who
 An employee of the victim organization or an     is under no obligation to assist
 associated enterprise (such as its bank)
 An expert witness                                Nature of case
 Nature of case                                   Relating to a serious matter, such as a serious
 Relating to a minor matter, such as an accident  fraud
 Type of evidence                                 Type of evidence
 Has formal evidence, such as explaining a        Has sensitive or emotionally laden evidence
 process or producing records, supported by       against the suspect, such as what he did or
 written or computer records                      said. Usually such evidence is not supported by
                                                  formal, written records
 Personal interests
 Has nothing to hide                              Personal interests
                                                  Wishes to hide poor performance or a personal
 Relationships                                    ambition
 Has no relationship with (or often personal      Possibly malicious
 knowledge of) the suspect                        Emotionally or financially involved with the
 Nature of suspects                               suspects
 Suspects are ordinary business people, citizens
 or employees                                     Relationships
                                                  Is known to the suspect

                                                  Nature of suspects
                                                  Suspects are violent criminals

Table 9.8 Potential persuasive arguments

Category B                                        Possible persuasive arguments
Witnesses requiring persuasion                    You should make it clear that:

Position of the witness

A third party such as a customer or vendor, who   Persuasion
is under no obligation to assist, may refuse to   Failure to assist may result in the termination of
do so                                             all business relationships
                                                  You will invoke the audit clause in contracts
                                                  You will have no option but refer the case to the
                                                  A witness summons may be issued that will
                                                  compel the witness to attend court
                                                  Civil action will be started which will require the
                                                  production of records
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