Page 322 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 322
Other Applications 375
You should consider designing a form specific to the case concerned, and issuing it to all of the
people under suspicion and to three or four people you know are innocent.20 Again you should
deliver an opening statement along the lines of the example on page 404.
The purpose of the form is to:
• increase anxiety in the guilty party;
• identify responses that are indicative of guilt or innocence;
• use the form as a ‘key point’ in confronting the guilty party.
The form should be laid out carefully, so that it has the maximum visual and emotional im-
pact and should consist of separate pages, each with marginal notes, boxes for official use and
colour coding:
• an opening, setting out the background of the case and the purpose of the form.
• a release under the Data Protection Act along the following lines:
DATA PROTECTION ACT graphologists and forensic laboratories.
‘I understand that the information I provide • If you do not agree to such a release
on this form may be classed as personal data
under the Data Protection Act. I agree that please tick here ............................... ❑
this data may be used for the prevention
and detection of crime and released to • If you have put a tick in the box, please
law enforcement and other agencies, to explain your concerns.’
• Questions covering the person’s attitude such as:
– Why did this happen?
– Did you do it?
– Do you think it will happen again?
– If you had to investigate this case, where would you start?
– Have you discussed this case with your colleagues?
– If you were to do (the dishonesty suspected) how would you do it?
– Would you do it by yourself or would you involve others?
– Do you know anyone who has done this (the problem suspected)?
– Is there anyone you know who could not have done this?
– What should happen to people who do (the problem)?
– Where were you when this (the problem) happened?
• Closing pages:
– Would you like to change any of the information you have provided?
– How did you feel when you were completing this form?
– How do you think the person responsible would feel?
– What would be your reaction if we found that the answers you have given are
20 A sample form and worked example can be downloaded from