Page 319 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 319

372 An HR Guide to Workplace Fraud and Criminal Behaviour

No. Nature of question or statement Indicative reaction

                                          Indicative of responsibility  Indicative of innocence
                                          Little detail                 Detailed
                                          Lack of commitment            Committed
                                          No volunteered                Volunteered information

12                                        34

17 If you had been involved in this,      May suggest a method          Unlikely to consider the
        how would you have done it?       May reveal information        possibility
                                          known only to the guilty
                                          May make a stupid

18 In forgery cases, ask the suspect to May make a poor attempt Likely to make a good

make 10 or 12 copies of the forged to copy the forged                   attempt

signature in writing                      signatures

19 Would you be prepared to give us       Probably ‘yes’                Probably ‘no’
        access to your bank accounts to                                 Possibly angry
        check this?

20 How would you feel if we               Prevarication                 Committed response to
                                                                        the effect that you would
subsequently prove that what you                                        be wrong

have told me is untrue?

21 I have to tell you I think you did it  Pseudo-denial (see page       Committed denial
                                          [xref]) or objection          Genuine anger

22 Would you be prepared to take a        Prevarication                 A committed ‘yes’ or ‘no’
        polygraph test?                   Asks for clarification

23 Can we do it this afternoon?           Very unlikely and will give a Probably a firm ‘yes’ or

                                          reason for stalling           ‘no’

24 If you were responsible for [xxx]      ‘Yes’ or ‘what do you         Probably not. Would
        would you admit it?               expect me to say?’            depend

25 Why should I believe you?              More likely to make an        ‘Because I am telling the
                                          objection such as ‘Because    truth’
                                          I didn’t have the keys’

26 You look really worried about this. Without considering              Considers and then
                                                                        probably ‘yes’
Has it been bothering you?                probably ‘no’

27 Would you like to change your          Pause and may discuss the A firm ‘no’
        explanation                       possibilities or say ‘yes’

28 Do you have any other information This is a purely informational question
        that might help us identify the

29 Do you think this interview has        Probably ‘yes’                May be upset
       been fair?
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