Page 318 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 318

Other Applications 371

No. Nature of question or statement Indicative reaction

                                           Indicative of responsibility  Indicative of innocence
                                           Little detail                 Detailed
                                           Lack of commitment            Committed
                                           No volunteered                Volunteered information

12                                         34

7 Do you think there is any chance Possibly                              May ask for clarification
        in this case that there could be an                              or a committed ‘no’

8 If we don’t catch the [thief] do you Probably ‘no’                     Probably ‘no idea’ or ‘yes’
        think it will happen again?

9 List the names of possible suspects Unlikely to name anyone May name someone
        and say:’ ‘It has to be one of you,
        doesn’t it? Who do you think is
        responsible? ’

10 How would you react if we asked         May consider                  Unlikely to accept
        everyone who could have been
        involved to compensate us for the

11 Is there anyone you are sure did not May not name himself             Normally will name
        do it?                                                           himself. ‘I know I did not
                                                                         do it’

12 Where were you and what were            May produce an alibi too      More likely to seek
        you doing when this happened?      readily                       clarification

13 How would you react if I told you a Defend or object                  May seek clarification, or
        number of people believe you are                                 become genuinely angry
        responsible?                                                     May ask for the names of
                                                                         the people concerned

14 Show the subject the evidence           Reactions indicating          Reactions indicating
        (‘key points’) [List what it is]   responsibility (see Chapter   innocence
        Xxx                                4)
        and ask him detailed questions
        about it

15 Do you think the evidence points        May give an explanation       May seek clarification or
        towards you?                                                     become genuinely angry

16 Tell me why you could not have          Possible objections such as   Probably a committed
        done it?                           ‘because I would not be so    denial
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