Page 316 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 316

Other Applications 369

Table 9.5 Likely closure actions

Motivation of the  Evidence supporting the allegation and worst case
                   Accurate revealing        Accurate
                   malpractice               But not revealing  Inaccurate

Genuine            Investigation             Investigation      Close the file

Malicious                                    Action against the informant

Not identified                                Investigation

    If the allegations are unfounded, the subject must be told and asked whether he wants the
report retained in his personnel file and it is usually in his interest to do so.

DESTROYED RECORDS                            considered for promotion to a senior
                                             overseas position. A junior employee in
In 1995, allegations were made against       human resources department submitted a
an employee, investigated and proved to      note to the effect that: ‘Suspicions had been
be untrue. However, the human resources      raised about this employee some years ago,
manager at the time18 destroyed the letters  but there is nothing on file’. This spooked
and investigations report on the basis that  the senior line manager who was making
they were ‘personal data’ that should not    the appointment and another employee was
be retained any longer than was absolutely   selected for promotion.

   In 2001, the employee was being

    Cases such as this show that some of the data protection laws are counterproductive (see
page [xref]).

Elimination interviews


There are occasions when a number of people could be responsible for a crime or some other
problem: for example, cash may have gone missing from a cash register to which four or five
people had access.


There are three main issues involved in elimination interviews:

• identify the guilty party and clear people who are wrongly suspected;
• obtain admissions and other evidence;
• make financial recoveries.

18 He moved on in 2000
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