Page 172 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 172
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 23/04/2015 KEA Grade B Planning - compliance check - no change 0.10 £0.00 £0.00
Expert Reports 23/04/2015 KEA Grade B Letter TO client and Mr G 0.40 £325.00 £130.00
Expert Reports 23/04/2015 KEA Grade B Perusing and Sorting Documents - Mr Giddins report. 0.70 £325.00 £227.50
Pre-Action Costs 23/04/2015 KEA Grade B Letter TO Diamond 0.10 £325.00 . £32.50
Expert Reports 27/04/2015 TJD Grade A Meetings with KEA re our exps report 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
Expert Reports 27/04/2015 KEA Grade B E-mails 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 06/05/2015 KEA Grade B E-mails 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 07/05/2015 KEA Grade B Letter TO Mr Giddins 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 11/05/2015 KEA Grade B Perusing and Sorting Documents - considering letter from Mr 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 11/05/2015 KEA Grade B E-mails to client re lttr from Mr G. 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 14/05/2015 KEA Grade B E-mails x 2 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Pre-Action Costs 19/05/2015 KEA Grade B Telephone calls from Chris a Diamond. He has recently taken 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
file over. Now can confirm that liability is admitted in full.
Adv we are in process of getting accident reconstruction
evidence but will cease these investigations now. Confirmed
client is back at work. They asked whether he had a
clawback clause in his contract. KEA adv unsure. Asked what
current condition is - adv awaiting candP evidence so not
prepared to comment at this stage. Will consider w/p service
of this once we have it. Asked that they confirm stance on
liability in writing by fax/ email. They will do so. lu phone 1
u writing up.
Expert Reports 22/05/2015 KEA Grade B Telephone calls - call from client. Adv admission of liability 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
although don't have in writing yet. Discussing the
implications of this. Discussing the upcoming medical
Pre-Action Costs 22/05/2015 KEA Grade B E-mails 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Expert Reports 22/05/2015 KEA Grade B Call to expert. Adv email correct. 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 26/05/2015 KEA Grade B Planning - compliance check 0.10 £0.00 £0.00
Pre-Action Costs 26/05/2015 KEA Grade B Letter re claim 0.10 £325.00 £32.50
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 01/06/2015 KEA Grade B Planning - compliance check - nothing has changed. 0.10 £0.00 £0.00
Bates Number000172