Page 177 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 177

Expert Reports               27/08/2015 CJO           Grade D    Planning - CJO engaging 1 unit considering Mr Benjamin's   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                             email response regarding preparing a medico-legal report
                                                                             and 1 unit discussing this with KEA.  KEA asking CJO to ring
                                                                             him back to discuss his concerns.
            Expert Reports               28/08/2015 CJO           Grade D    Telephone call to Dr Benjamin following on from his email   0.40   £165.00   £66.00
                                                                             dated 27 August 2015. CJO explaining to him that he does
                                                                             not need to be concerned regarding the format of the report
                                                                             as he will have the other 2 expert reports disclosed to him if
                                                                             he accepts instructions and he can see their formats. CJO
                                                                             explaining that both KEA and Counsel will review the report
                                                                             before It is served and let him know if it is not in line with
                                                                             Court guidelines. CJO explaining that his duty is to the Court
                                                                             and not to us and therefore we cannot assist him with
                                                                             drafting his report. Dr Benjamin  understands this and says
                                                                             that he is reassured now and feels that he is capable of
                                                                             preparing the report. CJO explaining she will draft a formal
                                                                             letter of instruction to him together with the medical
                                                                             records.  Dr Benjamin asking whether his fees of £250 plus
                                                                             VAT an hour are accepted. 00 asking for an estimate of how
                                                                             many hour he believes the report will take; Dr Benjamin
                                                                             saying about 4 hours. CJO saying the rate is agreed on this
                                                                             basis.   3 units on the phone  1 unit writing this note.

            Disclosure                   07/09/2015 KEA          Grade B     Perusing and Sorting Documents - reviewing additional   1.10   £325.00     £357.50
            Expert Reports               08/09/2015 CJO           Grade D    Preparing the bundle of records and documents to be sent   0.60   £165.00   £99.00
                                                                             with the letter of instruction to Dr Benjamin
            Pre-Action Costs             08/09/2015 KEA          Grade B     E-mails                                                 0.10   £325.00      £32.50
            Expert Reports               08/09/2015 CJO           Grade D    E-mail to Dr Benjamin to ask for his available dates for the  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             claimant to visit him.
            Expert Reports               08/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     CJO drafting a letter of instruction to Dr Benjamin. KEA to  0.80   £165.00   £132.00
            Expert Reports               08/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     File Administration - setting up a tab on the file for Dr  0.10   £0.00      £0.00
                                                                             Benjamin's report and printing off a copy of his cv and all
                                                                             correspondence to file under his name for future reference.

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