Page 178 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 178

Expert Reports               11/09/2015 CJO           Grade D    Drafting - CJO amending the letter of instruction to Dr   0.50   £165.00    £82.50
                                                                             Benjamin as per KEA's instructions and including further
                                                                             information on the claimant's symptoms from his medical
            Expert Reports               11/09/2015 CJO           Grade D    CJO perusing the CAA medical records and recent         1.00   £165.00     £165.00
                                                                             correspondence between KEA and the claimant regarding his
                                                                             symptoms. CJO gathering this information to include it in the
                                                                             letter of instruction to Dr Benjamin as per KEA's instruction.

            Expert Reports               15/09/2015 CJO          GradeD      Planning - KEA explaining to CJO further amendments to be   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             made to the letter of instruction to Dr Benjamin.
            Expert Reports               15/09/2015  KEA         Grade B     Planning - reviewing CJO second draft. Making some further   0.30   £325.00   £97.50
                                                                             amendments / suggestions and discussing with her.

            Expert Reports               16/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to the client providing Dr Benjamin's contact number  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             for him to contact to arrange an appointment.
            Expert Reports               16/09/2015  CJO         Grade D     E-mail to Dr Benjamin updating him that the client will be  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             contacting him to arrange the appointment and that the
                                                                             instructions and records are being finalised.
            Expert Reports               17/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     File Administration - CJO preparing address label for bundle   0.10   £0.00   £0.00
                                                                             of records to be sent to expert.
            Expert Reports               17/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     CJO making several final amendments to the letter of    0.60   £165.00      £99.00
                                                                             instruction to Dr Benjamin as per KEA's instructions and
                                                                             preparing bundle to send via special delivery.
            Expert Reports               17/09/2015 CJO          Grade D     E-mail from and to claimant regarding his appointment with  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             Dr Benjamin. Forwarding this email to KEA and putting the
                                                                             appointment with the expert into KEA's calendar.

           Expert Reports                24/09/2015 KEA          Grade B     Telephone calls from Dr B.  He thinks total of 8 hours broken   0.10   £325.00   £32.50
                                                                             down as 2 hrs for papers, 1 hr consultation, 1-2 hours
                                                                             research and 2 hours report. Therefore £2k. KEA confirming
           Issue/  Statements of Case    28/09/2015  KEA         Grade B     Planning meeting                                        0.20   £325.00      £65.00
           Expert Reports                28/09/2015 TJD          Grade A     Meetings with KEA                                       0.10   £400.00      £40.00
           : Expert Reports              30/09/2015  KEA         Grade B    I Planning conf with counsel and organising with CJO     0.10   £325.00      £32.50

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