Page 183 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 183

Expert Reports               04/11/2015 00           Grade D    Telephone call from Dr Benjamin regarding his invoice. Dr B   0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                            saying he is happy to wait until after the conference to send
                                                                             his invoice so he does not have to send two separate ones.
                                                                             Dr Basking whether his report was court compliant; 00
                                                                             checking with KEA who said he should not worry as Counsel
                                                                            will check it and discuss it in the conference. Dr B happy with
                                                                            this.  Time includes discussion with KEA following this call
                                                                             regarding the conference. 00 updating KEA on where she is
                                                                            at  organising it(waiting for experts' secretaries to get back
                                                                            to her with their dates).

            Expert Reports               04/11/2015 00           Grade D     E-mail to Dr Benjamin to ask him to email a copy of his  0.10   £165.00    £16.50
                                                                            invoice to me so I can process it as soon as poss. He asked us
                                                                            to agree it would be paid within 10 working days of receipt
                                                                            of the report.
            Witness Statements           04/11/2015 KEA          Grade B     Planning for meeting tomorrow. Discussing need to psych  0.80   £325.00    £260.00
                                                                             now with TJD. Deciding on  balance not. Planning statement.

            Witness Statements           05/11/2015 KEA          Grade B     Meetings with clients                                   3.90   £325.00   £1,267.50
            Expert Reports               05/11/2015 TJD          Grade A     Meetings joining client meeting to talk about the exp   1.00   £400.00     £400.00
                                                                             evidence required.
            Witness Statements           05/11/2015 KEA          Grade B     Drafting                                                130   £325.00      £422.50
            Witness Statements           06/11/2015 KEA          Grade B     Drafting                                                1.90   £325.00     £617.50
            Witness Statements           06/11/2015 TJD          Grade A     Meetings with KEA re how to approach the drafting of    0.20   £400.00      £80.00
                                                                             Sigve's witness statement
            Expert Reports               12/11/2015 00           Grade D     Telephone call to Sarah, Prof Giddins' secretary, to ask if   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             there are any evenings dates that Prof Giddins could attend
                                                                             a conference. 00 explaining we are struggling to find a              I
                                                                             mutual date between Counsel and all 3 experts. Sarah will
                                                                             check with Prof Giddins and will get back to 00 tomorrow.

            Expert Reports               12/11/2015 00           Grade D     Telephone call to Christine, Mr Mitchell's medico-legal   0.10   £165.00    £16.50
                                                                             secretary to chase her for Mr Mitchell's available dates for a
                                                                             conference. It rang to voicemail; CJO leaving a message
                                                                             asking her to call back.

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