Page 181 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 181

Expert Reports               20/10/2015 CJO          Grade D    Telephone call to Richard Furniss' clerk to ask if he is   0.10   £165.00    £16.50
                                                                            available on 24th Nov for the conference as this date suits all
                                                                             3 experts, the client and KEA. Colin explaining that he has a
                                                                             hearing that date but offering to suggest alternative counsel.
                                                                             CJOsaying she will discuss with KEA and get back to him.

            Expert Reports               21/10/2015 CJO          Grade D     Planning - CJO reconsidering all dates provided for the   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             conference from the experts and counsel and trying again to
                                                                            find any possible mutual dates. 00 making a list of these
                                                                             and to email the experts to ask if they can compromise.

            Expert Reports               21/10/2015 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Mr Mitchell to ask whether he can make himself  0.10   £165.00    £16.50
                                                                             available on alternative dates to which he has provided. see
                                                                             email for full details.
            Expert Reports               21/10/2015 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Dr Benjamin forwarding the claimant's update  0.10   £165.00      £16.50
                                                                             regarding his current symptoms and employment position.
                                                                             See email for full details.
            Expert Reports               21/10/2015 CJO          Grade D     E-mail to Dr Benjamin to ask about his flexibility for the  0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             conference. See email for full details.
            Expert Reports               22/10/2015 CJO          Grade D     Correspondence - email in from Dr Benjamin- CJO forwarding   0.10   £0.00    £0.00
                                                                             to KEA and asking whether she should forward to the client.
                                                                             KEA saying to wait for his report to be sent through so we
                                                                             can consider his full conclusions.
            Expert Reports               23/10/2015 CJO           Grade D    Following on from an email from Mr Mitchell - E-mail to Mr   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             Mitchell's private secretary to ask for any dates in which Mr
                                                                             Mitchell can fit the conference call into one of his private
            Expert Reports               23/10/2015 CJO           Grade D    Telephone call from Janet, Mr Mitchell's secretary providing   0.10   £165.00   £16.50
                                                                             a couple of extra dates he can dial in to the conference.  CJO
                                                                             to compare these dates to the other experts.

            Expert Reports               28/10/2015 CJO           Grade D    E-mail from Dr Benjamin regarding payment of his invoice.  0.20   £165.00   £33.00
                                                                             CJO considering and discussing with AAC about the firm's
                                                                             usual practice and then forwarding the email to KEA for her          !
                                                                             instructions.                                                        ;

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