Page 185 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 185
Expert Reports 17/11/2015 CJD Grade D E-mail in from Chris, Mr Mitchell's secretary, to provide CJD 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
with Mr Mitchell's contact details on the day of the
conference. CJD replying and thanking Chris and then
putting a copy of this email with the conference notes so this
can be passed on to Counsel's clerk in advance of the con.
Solicitor / Client Only Costs 19/11/2015 KEA Grade B compliance check. Scope of instruction hasn't changed but 0.10 £0.00 £0.00
client aware that case is potentially work more. Also aware
ofTJD involvement.
Disclosure 20/11/2015 CJD GradeD Perusing and Sorting Documents - sorting and filing 0.40 £165.00 £66.00
documents provided by the claimant. CJD amending the
Index of Documents.
Disclosure 20/11/2015 CJD Grade D Research - 00 searching online for a contact number or 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
email address for the claimant's employer/HR (Easyjet). CJD
unable to find this and deciding it would be more
proportionate to contact the claimant and ask for the
Disclosure 20/11/2015 CJD Grade D E-mail to the claimant to enquire after his employer's HR 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
details so we can request his employment records.
Pre-Action Costs 23/11/2015 KEA Grade B Drafting instructions to counsel 1.40 £325.00 £455.00
Pre-Action Costs 23/11/2015 KEA Grade B Letter D and updating letter to client 0.20 £325.00 £65.00
Pre-Action Costs 24/11/2015 KEA Grade B Drafting - amending instructions to Counsel. £325.00 £162.50
Disclosure 24/11/2015 CJD Grade D Telephone call to the claimant's HR team at Easyjet to 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
enquire where we send our request for Mr Solheim's
employment records. CJD speaking to George who said to
email the request to:
She said it's best to have the claimant's employee ID number
i to speed things up.
Disclosure 24/11/2015 CJO Grade D I E-mail to Easyjet requesting the claimant's employment 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
records. KEA to check email first.
Disclosure 24/11/2015 CJO Grade D E-mails - CJO amending the email to the claimant's employer 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
as per KEA's instructions and scanning in a copy of his form
of authority to them.
Bates Number000185