Page 182 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
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Expert Reports 29 10 2015 CJO Grade D E-mail to Dr Ben j amin to confirm we will process his invoice 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
within 10 working days of receipt and asking him to send the
report by email and hard copy as per KEA's instructions.
Expert Reports 30/10/2015 CJO Grade D E-mail to Dr Ben j amin to ask for his availability in the 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
evenings of Nov and Dec to dial in to a conference
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Expert Reports 30 10 2015 CJO Grade D Consideration - CJD receiving the medical report provided by 0.20 £165.00 £33.00
Dr Ben j amin and considering this report.
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Expert Reports 30 10 2015 CJD Grade D E-mails to and from Dr Benjamin regarding the conference. 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
see email exchange for full details.
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Expert Reports 30 10 2015 CJD Grade D E-mail to Prof Giddins secretary to ask for evening dates 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
which he is able to dial in to the conference. see email for
full details.
Expert Reports 30/10/2015 CJD Grade D Telephone call to Mr Mitchell's medico-legal secretary, 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
Christine, to ask for any evening dates in which Mr Mitchell
is available to dial in. Christine saying she will ask him and
get back to CJD early next week.
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Expert Reports 30 10 2015 TJD Grade A Meetings with l< EA - exp report j ust in. Client certified not fit 0.20 £400.00 £80.00
to fly. can we ask for pre issue IP/ Yes.
Pre-Action Costs 30/10/2015 KEA Grade B Telephone calls wit client - see note £325.00 £162.50
Expert Reports 03/11/2015 TJD Grade A Meetings with KEA re the exp report just received. There 0.40 £400.00 £160.00
may be a major loss of earnings claim and there are some
complex causation points that now warrant more partner
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 03/11/2015 KEA Grade B Perusing and Sorting Documents - getting file ready for ATE 0.50 £0.00 £0.00
Expert Reports 03/11/2015 KEA Grade B Consideration of Dr B's report and reporting letter to client. 0.90 £325.00 £292.50
Bates Number000182