Page 219 - MJC submissions
P. 219

sustainability issues….  Laid down by law or policy… The neighbourhood plan is required to
               take account of sustainability considerations…..

               the Ashurst Wood neighbourhood plan will need to be in conformity with the district plan
               guidance suggests that the SCA requirement can be incorporated into an SA

               A sustainability appraisal is not a requirement of a neighbourhood plan,  although assessing
               the social, economic and environmental effects of a Plan is good practice and can help
               improve its overall sustainability. MSDC required
               There are three relevant objectives for assessment

               Achievabilty--- if it is economically viable

               availability site is considered to be available when there are no known legal or ownership
               problems and the landowner has expressed an intention to develop

               acceptability neighbourhood plans must be approved by majority of electors voting in a local
               referendum.  Thus, the site assessment must include consideration of the acceptability of the
               site to the local community.  Acceptability is not a factor in other development plan
               documents as they do not go through a referendum process (although still will be subject to a
               local consultation
               Vision and Local Policies

               ensure that a high standard of development and design is achieved in Ashurst Wood and will
               discourage development that looks out of place and poorly integrated into its surroundings

               ASW policy 14 states all new development must demonstrate good quality design and respect
               the existing character and appearance of the surrounding areas.  All proposals will be
               expected to identify how they address the local surroundings and landscape context by

                   a.  using design that respects the scale and character of the existing and surrounding
                       buildings with reference to the character assessment
                   b.  demonstrating that the design of the particular development has addressed and
                       protected the positive features of the character of the local area

                                                                                                                  Page 13

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
               Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec
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