Page 223 - MJC submissions
P. 223
57. In addition, the Wealden House sites are further protected by two specific local policies
(AWNP 9 [relating to the WH:EDF site] and AWNP 10 [relating to the WH:LIC site]).
These are summarised and compared on Attachment 10 and include:
Schemes must reflect and respect the predominant character of the area with particular regard
to the unit type, scale and massing;
--- have a layout which reflects and respects the spacious character of the locality;
--- provide a mix of dwelling types;
---- demonstrate that the development can be achieved without harmful impact on the
amenity of residents of Ashbourne House and Carlton House;
Show that the residential development is sensitively incorporated into the historic character of
buildings on the site.
Played down---- if villagers were to be asked---- about development 15% increase in the
village—influx- travel through the village, parking and---- overwhelming rejection. NIMBY
Belsey abd circumvention Not on wesite
The 2016 pre-application consultation with MSDC planners was on a density of 107DdHa.
This seems to have been accepted as a baseline: which it is not.
1.1 Pre-application Consultation
7. The 2016 pre-application consultation has been elevated - with a significance far beyond
its worth - to support over-development of the WH:EDF site.
8. The consultation is supposed to have taken place between MSDC and architects Robert
Davies John West Limited, representing an unidentified developer (DM/16/2845). No
official record has been produced of the meeting, but AHLs’ application includes four
different hearsay accounts that refer interchangeably to MSDC’s “advice”, “feedback”,
“minimum expectation”, “specific requirements” and “approximate capacity”.
9. The pre-application consultation – which was informal, non-binding and for a different
developer, for an entirely different project that was not pursued, - has been amplified as
the authority for over-development in the current project. No official record of the
consultation was produced in the current application and the four hearsay accounts of
what it concluded are worryingly different.
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E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec