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The critical point is not that boxes were unticked and forms unsubmitted but that AWVC
and residents had been deliberately excluded from the planning process and denied their
AHL’s response does not appear on MSDC’s website, its “argument” was based on bad advice
(see Folio 3) from Mr Frank Taylor, its retained town planner. He had advised AHL that a
pre-application consultation in 2016 – on an entirely different project and for a different
developer – was sufficient to tick the consultation box. In the light of your intervention,
MSDC had little option other than to withdraw the application to allow time for
2.3 Consultation
The consultation took place in Ashurst Wood Village Hall on 29 May 2018. Mr Peter Owen,
Managing Director of AHL spoke to me and among other things:
• Initially gave a finessed response to my suggestion that AHL intended to develop the
WH:LIC site. However, a few minutes later, he agreed that such plans were in
process–“although we haven’t got any legal agreements at the moment”;
• Continued: “If we don’t [develop the WH:LIC site] someone else will”;
• Was under time pressure to obtain planning approval and to finalise the option to
buy the WH:EDF site;
• Said that the present owners – GCP Developments Ltd - were not involved in a joint
Mr Owen was not comfortable discussing the development of the WH:LIC site and
subsequently avoided answering a written question from Ashbourne Park Owners’
2.4 Replacement Application
On 6 June 2018 (Folios 37-38), Henry Jezeph of Lytle Associates submitted a report of the
consultation and, as a result, Steven King validated the application (Folio 39). It was
supported by an Application Form (Folio 32), dated 19 April 2018.– again prepared and
certified as true by Darren Page of Lytle Associates.
The form is materially different from the original version;
• The applicant is shown as Ashgrove Homes Limited & GCP Developments Limited.
This conflicts with Mr Owen’s statement at the consultation meeting that GCP was not a
participant in the project:
• Point 5, states that the pre-consultation had taken place with Steven King under
reference DM/16/2845 on 13 October 2016. Incredibly, Mr King did not challenge
this misrepresentation;
• Point 17 proposes 50 market housing units, 11 social rented housing and 10
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intermediate housing= Total 71.
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec