Page 229 - MJC submissions
P. 229
The MSDC website records that the revised application (Folio 32) was loaded on 23 April
2018, but this is unlikely to be correct. It was more likely to have been after the consultation
report and not loaded until around 11 June 2018. I do not understand the significance of this
apparent backdating.
The Integrated Plan
I contend that the evidence shows the developers
Info leaked--- Mr Owen surprised—
DAS page 36
1. The original application included a plan of the rear of Wealden House (Attachment 6)
which is relevant only to the integrated development and was probably included in error.
The plan misrepresented the WH:LIC boundary in a way that would permit the
development to spill over to land belonging to Ashbourne Park.
The plan has been removed from the substituted application without comment
Submissions to the USA
Viability and deliverability—already claiming a reduction if affordable housing
No track record--- AHL financial strength
Design and access statement and plan--- dodgy explanation--
Inadvertent plan
Outside the built up area…AOANB—and
110== dedman effect at 2.5 per houise
School place
AECOM report and fight with MSDC not --- (FOI)
parking provisions ASW 21 units with one to 3 minimum of two parking spaces
units with four or more bedrooms a minimum three parking spaces
ignored in the application and supplanted by the WSE cc: parking calculator the result was----
Site 13
1. The original application to build 71 units on the WH:EDF site is based on four pillars that
are manifestly wrong. The application and supporting documentation state or imply that:
a) The site was supposedly designated in the AW Neighbourhood Plan with a “minimum
expectation” of “50”+ units which was “indicative” of 71;
b) Affordable housing was additional to the 50+ units;
c) The area is “starkly urban” thereby justifying a “utilitarian” design and excessive Page 23
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec