Page 231 - MJC submissions
P. 231

“Darren Page (of Lytle Associates) said that he thought the parties were close to
                       agreeing a scheme but confirmed that if the Council allowed the substitution of
                       drawings the applicant would need to be satisfied that there was a prospect of officer
                       support on a revised package of proposals. He added that if this was not the case the
                       current application would probably have to be appealed. Peter Owen stated that it
                       was his preference for a scheme to now be agreed at a local level rather than go to an
                       appeal (para 1.21)”

               Your email to Mr Tillin of Ashbourne Park Owners’ Association (APOA) on 20  November
               2018 states:

                       “The position with the application is that in my judgement the originally submitted
                       scheme is not something that officers could support. It is for the applicants to seek to
                       address the concerns that we have with the scheme. If the applicants decide to amend
                       their proposals, then any new plans would be publicised to interested parties and the
                       Parish Council (sic= Village Council) could comment on them”.

               •    The MSDC Brownfield Land Register [Attachment 9] shows a total of 50 dwellings on the
                    combined “Wealden House” sites of 1.6 hectares: that is a density of 32 DdHa. There is
                    no explanation of how this incorrect area was calculated, although it is likely to consist of
                    1.2 hectares of the WH:EDF site (Site 13) and 0.4 hectares of the WH:LIC site (Site 14). If
                    this is the case, it is again in error because the combined net developable area is 1.2
                    hectares (0.8 hectares of the WH:EDF site and 0.4 hectares for the WH:LIC site).

               In any event, the brownfield report signals an integrated development of 50 units rather than
               around 120 as implied in the Design and Access Statement of the original April 2018
               application - DM/18/1548

               •       The Steering Group (consisting of AWVC members and planning experts: see
               paragraph 2.3 and Attachment 19) responsible for the 2014 and 2015 Sustainability Reports
               (see Attachments 1 and 2) made it clear that the WH sites1 should be developed at a “similar
               scale” [to Ashbourne Park] “but careful design would be
               needed to respect the character of adjoining and neighbouring buildings”;

               Plans---- variations ----

               •    The area of the WH:EDF site is inconsistently recorded as 1.60 hectares (“TBC”) in the
                    AWNP “Sites Submitted as at February 2014” [Attachment 3] and 1.47 hectares in
                    application DM/18/1548 [Attachment 4 Question 21]. In fact, I believe the developable
                    area (after excluding ancient woodland) is 0.8 hectares;

               •    The number of dwellings assessed as “potential housing capacity” for the WH:EDF (Site
                    13): in the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment - SHLAA 470:
                    Attachment 5a] is shown as “50+” but this density - of 64 dwellings per hectare (DdHa) -
                    conflicts with the “justification” given one line below on the same attachment which
                                                                                                                  Page 25

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
               Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec
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