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                                    7. Other Operating Expensesin CHF millions 2023 2022Logistics and distribution costs 190.3 216.7 Selling costs 82.5 91.5 Travel and entertainment 42.1 38.1 Information technology 34.1 34.0 Expense for short-term leases, low-value assets and variable lease payments 15.3 17.2 Utilities 15.0 14.6 Communication 11.3 11.9 Consulting services 9.5 11.2 Fees and royalties 3.3 2.8 Other 67.4 67.6 Total other operating expenses 470.8 505.6 8. Net Finance Resultin CHF millions 2023 2022Interest income on bank deposits 5.0 2.4 Income from financial instruments 1 8.0 -Income from revaluation of contingent consideration liabilities 1.8 -Financial income 14.8 2.4 Net foreign exchange result (15.1) (8.9) Interest expenses on bank borrowings (26.0) (14.3) Interest expenses on lease liabilities (12.5) (11.7) Expense from financial instruments 1 - (0.7) Expense from revaluation of contingent consideration liabilities (0.8) (1.2) Financial expenses (54.4) (36.8) Net finance result (39.6) (34.4) 1 Fair value change of convertible loans in 2023 (Note 33).74 Consolidated Financial Statements DKSH Group
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