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2 About Strategy and Governance Our People Our Business Our Outcome AppendixWelcome from the Chairman and the CEODear stakeholders,At DKSH, we believe that sustainability is an essential aspect of being a responsible business partner and contributing positively to sustainable development in the markets and communities where we operate. We aim for financial success in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.Since 2017, we have voluntarily disclosed information on our sustainable business practices. This 2023 edition is our first mandatory report under Swiss non-financial disclosure obligations and the second time that we are integrating a TCFD report. Moreover, we opted to also include disclosures on due diligence obligations pertaining to conflict minerals and child labor instead of issuing a separate report.Central to our sustainability reporting is the role of DKSH%u2019s Board of Directors, which has approved this Sustainability Report. Furthermore, the Board provides continuous oversight and guidance to ensure that our approach to sustainability satisfies legal requirements, is strategic and aligned with our values, and also helps to fulfill our purpose of enriching people%u2019s lives. In 2023, we were able to both grow our business financially and make progress on our four strategic sustainability objectives: enable our people to flourish, make our value chains more sustainable, become climate-neutral by 2030, and make a positive local impact. We are pleased to report on the progress made, including: %u2023 An increase of women in senior leadership positions to 34 %, which is a good achievement in our region and industry%u2023 The publication and implementation of our Human Rights Policy %u2023 A reduction of CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2) by 50% against the 2020 baseline and by 14% compared to 2022%u2023 The launch of our Social Impact Strategy and 94 local community projectsWhile celebrating these achievements, we are aware that the path to sustainability is a continuous journey. Going forward, we will continue to strengthen diversity across the organization, focus on further reducing our own CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2), and creating more transparency regarding emissions outside our own operations (Scope 3) while continuing to strengthen our environmental and human rights management systems.We are immensely grateful to our dedicated employees, partners, and stakeholders, who contribute to our sustainability endeavors. This support and collaboration enables us to create significant positive impact. We look forward to an ongoing collaboration to ensure that DKSH continues to advance towards a more sustainable future.Sincerely,Marco Gadola and Stefan P. Butz Chairman and CEO%u2023 GRI 2-22%u201cSustainability is fundamental to achieve long-term business success.%u201d %u201cWe adopt sustainable practices today to stay relevant and competitive tomorrow.%u201d