Page 388 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 388


         Rajya. On the other hand   ing national governance
         the modernist Ambedkar   charter infused with the    THE MAHABHARATA QUEST:
         had contempt for the coun-  modernisation ideals and   THE KHANDAVAPRASTHA
         try’s regressive villages   respect for individual — as   CONSPIRACY
         where casteism remains   opposed to community        Christopher C. Doyle
         deeply rooted. “What is the   — rights that Ambedkar   WESTLAND
         village but a sink of local-  stood and fought for all   Rs.499              391 pages
         ism, a den of ignorance,   his life.
         narrow-mindedness and      In the confrontation
         communalism,” he said in   between Gandhi and
         November 1948 after Gan-  Ambedkar, it is now clear   had just a few writers, like   This fast-paced
         dhi was assassinated and   that the Mahatma’s belief   K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri   thriller blends
         the Constituent Assembly   that Hinduism would re-  Aurobindo and TP Kaila-  mythology, science
         was debating formulation   form and eradicate the evil    sam who attempted this.   fiction and historical
         of the Constitution.     caste system and accept   Christopher C. Doyle has   facts so smoothly that
           Ambedkar’s bitterness   Dalits as equal citizens of   gone a step further; having   the reader feels this is
         towards the Hindu shas-  India has proved naive,   studied the Mahabharata   a factual account with
         tras which Gandhi refused   while Ambedkar’s worst   for 15 years, he makes   an air of verisimilitude
         to condemn, flowed from   fears have come true.   good use of incidents in the
         his lived experience of   Atrocities against Dalits   epic to build up his series
         being born into the shudra   across free, independent   of thrillers.     is a linguist and Sanskrit
         or untouchable caste with   India make headlines in   Doyle gives the cor-  scholar, and Imran Kidwai,
         deep roots in the Hindu   everyday news. Their only   rect chronology of events   an officer from the Intel-
         varna system. From his   protection is the nation-  through a close reading   ligence Bureau, help him.
         youngest years he was bat-  building egalitarian ideals   of the Adi Parva, the first   In The Alexander Secret
         tered by his Dalit status —   that Dr. Ambedkar infused   book of Vyasa’s Mahab-  (2014), the first book of
         made to sit on the ground   into the Constitution.   harata. Many years after   The Mahabharata Quest,
         in classrooms, obliged to   A compelling biography   Indraprastha was built and   the team tries to find the
         drink water from reserved   in which the author has   the new kingdom estab-  hidden cave which contains
         glasses and dine in special   written favourably about   lished, Krishna and Arjuna   the elixir of immortality.
         plates.                  this under-rated builder   were approached by Agni,   Clues lie in a new read-
           Even after royal bene-  of modern India who    the god of fire, who wanted   ing of the Mahabharata
         factors — the maharajahs   phoenix-like, has risen in   to recover his lustre by   combined with a small
         of Baroda and Kolhapur —  public esteem, attaining    ‘eating’ the Khandava   cube found in the tomb
         awarded him scholarships   cult status.          forest and all its creatures.   of Alexander’s mother. A
         to graduate from Columbia          DILIP THAKORE  Doyle provides a scien-  mysterious organisation,
         University, London School                        tific explanation for why   the Order, is on the same
         of Economics and Gray’s   Engrossing             Krishna and Arjuna set   quest, but with nefarious
         Inn, London enabling him                         fire to the forest, killing all   intent. Other countries of
         to successfully practice law                     its inhabitants. Only five   the world join India and
         in India, he continued to   faction              birds, Takshaka’s son and   the US in setting up the
         endure the degradations                          the Asura Maya escaped   Global Task Force (GTF)
         of caste humiliation at       REATING fic-       the conflagration.       to fight techno-terrorism.
         the hands of illiterate and   tion, poetry and      The main characters of   In The Secret of the Druids
         ignorant upper caste Hin-  Cdrama based on the   The Mahabharata Quest    (2016), links between Dru-
         dus. It was only years later   Mahabharata, Rama-  series were first introduced   ids and the Mahabharata
         after he had established   yana or the Puranas is   in The Mahabharata    are revealed. The GTF un-
         himself as a leading lawyer   a well-established tradi-  Secret (2013). Vijay Singh   ravels the mystery behind
         and economist that he was   tion in Sanskrit and the   attempts to understand   Julius Caesar’s repeated
         accorded the respect that   Bhashas. Indian English   the cryptic emails his   invasions of Britain, while
         his education and erudi-  novelists and poets have   uncle Vikram Singh had   foiling the evil plans of the
         tion deserved, and invited   turned to reinterpretations   sent him before he was   Order.
         to chair the committee that   of Hindu mythology in a   murdered. Vijay’s child-  This book has the GTF
         drafted the Constitution   big way only in the 21st   hood friend Radha, her   investigating a deadly dis-
         of free India, an outstand-  century: the 20th century   father Dr. Shukla, who   ease. Doctors have not been

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