Page 392 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 392
School education
cinema verite
EDUCATION IS NOT THE FILLING OF A PAIL, Through their contrasting narratives,
but the lighting of a fire.” This quote by W.B. Yeats two movies compel us to reflect on the
sets the stage for exploration of two Indian films
“— Maassab (2018) and Roughbook (2016). These condition of K-12 education in India.
cinematic narratives, while set in the backdrop of class- They force us to confront uncomfortable
rooms, transcend the confines of K-12 education to reflect
larger societal paradoxes. truths and inspire us to strive for change
In the heart of rural India, in Khurhand village of
Banda district, Bundelkhand, we meet Ashish Kumar, the and students carving out an alternative path through
protagonist of Maassab. A Dalit who has sacrificed the al- private tuition. This success story prompts introspection
lure of the Indian Administrative Service, Ashish chooses about the mainstream system, underscoring the transfor-
the path less travelled to teach in a government school. mative power of competition. It’s a testament to the adage
His character is a throwback to the patriotic heroes of the that necessity is the mother of invention. It’s a beacon of
1970s, brimming with idealism. He is the type of teacher hope that shines brightly, illuminating the path to a better
who works on Sundays, spends his salary on midday education system.
meals, and brings a laptop to the classroom. Yet, his ef- Against this backdrop, which system would allow an
forts are like a single lamp trying to illuminate a cavern- average student to learn chosen subjects well, without a
ous abyss of systemic corruption and apathy. super idealistic teacher rebelling against the system? Per-
The government school system, as portrayed in Maas- haps the answer lies in schools like the Muni Interna-
sab, is a hollow shell. Funds meant for education are tional School, Uttam Nagar, Delhi. A movie show-
routinely misappropriated, teachers are absent or send casing its approach could provide a blueprint for a more
proxies, and students are deprived of basic amenities, effective, inclusive, and sustainable education system.
including midday meals. The system is so broken that budget private school (BPS) that is consistently high
it seems beyond repair. It’s a grim picture that leaves A ranked in the annual EducationWorld India Super
viewers with a sense of despair and disillusionment. The Budget Private Schools league table, Muni International
transformation of such a system hinges on the arrival of a is a shining example of alternative schools that prioritise
messianic figure, the exceptional teacher. But reliance on student-centric learning. Its pedagogy encourages stu-
extraordinary individuals is not only unrealistic, but also dents to explore their interests, fosters critical thinking,
unsustainable. It’s akin to waiting for a superhero while and promotes genuine love for learning. It doesn’t rely on
the city burns. extraordinary teachers, but empowers ordinary teachers
Contrast this with the bustling cityscape of Rough- to do extraordinary things.
book, where we encounter Santoshi, a physics teacher in Through their contrasting narratives, Maassab and
a private school. She is a rebel in her own right, prioritis- Roughbook compel us to reflect on the condition of K-12
ing concept clarity over syllabus completion. Yet, she is education in India. They force us to confront uncomfort-
caught in the crosshairs of a system that values market able truths and inspire us to strive for change. They serve
demands over education ideals. During her interview, as a stark reminder that the future of our nation lies in the
the principal solicits her opinion of the education system hands of our educators and the system within which they
and then justifies demand-driven focus on exams and operate. It’s a call to action for all stakeholders — policy-
grades. But the question that haunts her — and us — is makers, educators, parents, and students — to cooperate
why parents want what they want. The answer, though and reshape the future of education in India.
not discussed in the movie, ironically, lies in the govern- Viewed in a larger perspective, these movies are not
ment’s creation of high stakes board and entrance exams, just about education, but about the very fabric of Indian
shaping parental expectations, pressure and perpetuating society. They are about the choices we make, the values
the cycle of rote learning. we uphold, and the future we should envision. They are
The private education system, as depicted in Rough- about the power of individuals to make a difference, and
book, is a well-oiled machine. It functions efficiently, but the collective responsibility we all share to shape our
at the cost of genuine learning. It’s a system that churns world. They are testament to the transformative power of
out students well-versed in the art of passing exams, but education, and a reminder of the work that needs to be
without deep understanding of subjects they study. It’s a done. They are, in essence, a call to action — a call to light
system that caters to the demands of the market, but fails fires, not fill pails.
to ignite curiosity and creativity in students. However, (Dr. Prashant Narang is Senior Fellow (Research & Training Programs) at
Roughbook concludes on a hopeful note, with the teacher the Centre for Civil Society, Delhi)