Page 389 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 389

able to isolate any patho-  Chinese and the Order are   ‘Extract from the GTF   of 300 items and ‘bonus
         gen which could be causing   looking for something hid-  Dossier Reporting on the   chapters’ not included in
         the variety of symptoms   den in Calcutta by British   China Mission’, explain-  this book.
         the patients develop. The   explorer Thomas Manning   ing the science behind the   This fast-paced thriller
         only common factor is    (1772-1840).            fictional ‘mirror microbe’   blends mythology, sci-
         that ‘patient zero’ in each   Events happen in   and its antidote based on   ence fiction and historical
         country seems to have had   accurately described   snake venom.           facts so smoothly that the
         some contact with China.   actual places, such as   The novelist observes,   reader feels it is a factual
         As was the case with     the Bodleian Library and   “There are a lot of facts   account, especially because
         Covid-19, the fictional Chi-  the Radcliffe Camera in   — scientific, historic   Doyle gives precise dates
         nese government refutes   Oxford, or the Dorchester   and others — that I have   of past events. Sanskrit
         all allegations of a Chinese   Hotel, London. Testing the   used to craft this story.   verses from the Mahab-
         origin for the disease.   new, artificially created   However unbelievable   harata are printed in the
           There is also another   pathogen on the Uyghur   some facts may be, they   Devanagari script, bestow-
         mystery: the disappear-  population sounds very   are true. Here’s where I   ing an air of verisimilitude
         ance of Alex Wilson,     real (the inhuman condi-  help you to distinguish   on all quotations.
         author of a biography of   tions in China’s Uyghur   fact from fiction.” The nine   The epigraph is a long
         the explorer Alexander von   detention camps have been   pages of ‘Last Notes’ are   quotation from the Owen
         Humboldt. An anony-      widely reported). The final   devoted to science, history,   Manuscript by Susruta,
         mous organisation stops   chapters of the book take   the Mahabharata and   with an image of a palm
         publication of his book by   the reader on a tour of Cal-  other issues like China’s   leaf manuscript. But for
         threatening to blow up the   cutta; the novelist paints a   treatment of Uyghurs.   the very informative ‘Last
         publisher’s offices. Vijay   word picture of the city as   Readers who want to delve   Notes’, the reader would
         suspects that the Order is   it is now and as it was in   further into the sources are   be unaware that no such
         behind this. By examining   the first quarter of the 19th   invited to join the free-of-  manuscript exists.
         old documents in librar-  century. The novel ends   charge ‘The Quest Club’    SHYAMALA A NARAYAN
         ies, they conclude that the   with a six-page report,   which has a bibliography   (The Book Review)

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