Page 45 - EW-June-2024
P. 45
Foreign investment in Indian
K-12 education milestones
Ascent Capital invests in Oakridge
International School, Hyderabad
New Silk Route invests in Sri
Chaitanya Group, Hyderabad
Gaja Capital buys 50% stake in Eurokids
EuroKids acquires Kangaroo Kids
MSPEA & Banyantree invest in NSPIRA
(Narayana Group, Hyderabad)
IB-affiliated Harrow International School, Bengaluru students Nord Anglia acquires Oakridge
International School, Hyderabad
(estb.1972) and currently a Bengalu- Seethramu. 2019
ru-based education consultant, wel- Dr. Seetharamu doesn’t share Prof. Cognita acquires CHIREC
comes progressive globalisation and Dhankar’s apprehension of academic International School, Hyderabad
adoption of global best practices in and cultural pollution. “Indian civili- 2019
private K-12 education which he be- sation and Hinduism have survived KKR buys 92% stake in Eurokids
lieves will filter into BPS and govern- military invasions and cultural impo-
ment schools. sitions for thousands of years starting Foundation Holdings commits $100M
“With the steady growth and ex- from the time of Mahmud of Ghazni to to Ryan Group, Mumbai
pansion of India’s middle class, de- the rule of the British Empire. That’s
mand for high quality pre-primary because our cultures live in homes 2020
and K-12 education is becoming press- rather than formal institutions. India’s Sofina, Sequoia, and Navneet invest in
K12 Techno, Hyderabad
ing. Increasingly, middle class parents syncretic civilisation is essentially tol-
and youth are demanding internation- erant and secular. It absorbs the best 2021
ally benchmarked education that pre- practices of all creeds and civilisations EuroKids acquires Cambridge
Public School, Bengaluru
pares them for well-paid employment and becomes stronger. This will also
in India and abroad. This demand has be the outcome of internationalisation 2021
generated supply from foreign exami- Seetharamu: welcome development Silver Oaks International acquires
Oakdale School, Hyderabad
nation boards and foreign investors.
This is a positive development because 2022
it will raise teaching standards and GSF acquires Silver Oaks, Hyderabad
learning outcomes in K-12 education. and Vikaasa, Madurai
The plain truth as evidenced by the 2022
poor performance of our children in ISP acquires Sancta Maria
international tests such as PISA (Pro- International School, Hyderabad
gramme for International Student As-
sessment) and the low ranks awarded GSF acquires Glendale Education
to India’s best universities by the Hyderabad
London-based rating agencies, QS and
Times Higher Education, is that our Kedaara Capital picks up stake
schools and universities lag behind in Orchid International, Hyderabad
Western and Asian education institu-
tions in terms of learning outcomes, 2023
ISP acquires Manthan
research and innovation. Therefore, International School, Hyderabad
internationalisation of K-12 education
is a welcome development,” says Prof. Source: State of India K-12:
Resilience Amidst Uncertainties