Page 12 - DSU Handbook
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       a. Programs o ered at DSU:        1. Undergraduate Programs:
       i. School of Engineering          a. B.Tech - Computer Science &       Key Highlights:
                                         Engineering                          ▶ Integrated liberal education
       The School of Engineering (SoE) at
       Dayananda Sagar University, established   Established in 2015, the CSE Department   program encompassing psychology,
       in 2015, o ers B Tech, M Tech, and   o ers an undergraduate program,   design thinking, and critical writing.
       research programs in cutting-edge   a B.Tech in CSE, a Master’s program   ▶The curriculum aligned with
       disciplines such as Computer Science   (MTech), and a Ph.D. program in   National Education Policy 2020 and
       and Engineering (CSE), CSE(Arti cial   Computer Science & Engineering.  focused on recent trends.
       Intelligence & Machine Learning),   Programs and Collaborations:
       CSE(Data Science), CSE(Cyber Security),   The department collaborates with NTTF   ▶ Hands-on labs, special topics with
       CSE(AI & Data Science), AI & Robotics,   to o er Vocational Degree Programs   expert mentoring, and a student-
       Computer Science & Technology,    (B.Voc) in Information Technology (Data   centered pedagogy.
       Electronics & Communication       Analytics) and Computer Engineering   ▶ Blended and hybrid learning
       Engineering, Aerospace Engineering,   & IT Infrastructure, focusing on job-  approaches with support for
       and Mechanical Engineering. With   speci c skills. With a faculty of 40+   MOOCs, internships, and research
       a focus on innovation, SoE aims to   members holding doctorate degrees,   engagements.
       provide students with a world-    the department covers various research
       class education, preparing them for   areas such as AI, ML, Data Science, and   ▶ Flexibility in elective courses,
       successful engineering careers and   more.                             startup ecosystem, and emphasis
       instilling leadership skills. The curriculum                           on design-oriented thinking and
       emphasizes interdisciplinary knowledge,   Research-Centered Education:    creativity.
       allowing students to specialize and   DSU’s CSE Department ensures a   ▶ Opportunities for project-based
       acquire skills that meet global needs.   research-centric education, engaging   learning, preparing students for
       The school is committed to sustainable   students in cutting-edge developments.   evolving job roles and business
       and inclusive technology, fostering   Liberal education and 21st-century skills   model translation.
       a dynamic learning environment for   (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration,
       future engineers and problem solvers.  communication) are integral
                                         components, promoting independent
                                         thinking, interdisciplinary courses, and
                                         skill-based activities.
                                         Career Opportunities and
                                         Placements: The CSE graduates from
                                         DSU secure positions in top MNCs like
                                         IBM, Accenture, Intel, and more, with
                                         salaries ranging from Rs 4.78 Lakhs to Rs
                                         35 Lakhs per annum. The department
                                         maintains a remarkable placement
                                         record, with 100% students placed,
                                         200+ companies visiting annually, and
                                         an emphasis on internships and higher

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