Page 10 - DSU Handbook
P. 10

Organizational structure
       and key administrative

       Dayananda Sagar University (DSU)   Physiotherapy, Allied Health, Commerce   To foster holistic development, DSU
       boasts a well-de ned organizational   & Management Studies, Basic & Applied   has dedicated cells and committees
       structure designed to facilitate e ective   Sciences, Law, Journalism & Mass   such as the Research and Development
       governance and management across   Communication, and Design, — these   Cell, Grievance Redressal Cell, and
       its diverse academic and administrative   faculties house dedicated departments   Anti-Ragging Cell, each contributing
       domains. At the helm are the Chancellor,   managed by experienced Heads of   to a vibrant and secure campus
       and the Pro-Chancellor providing   Departments.                      environment.
       visionary leadership and strategic   Academic and administrative functions   The Student A airs Department,
       direction. The Vice-Chancellor oversees   are e ciently managed by the Pro   including the Dean of Student A airs,
       academic a airs, ensuring the delivery   Vice Chancellors and the Registrar. The   focuses on student well-being,
       of high-quality education.
                                         Controller of Examinations ensures   extracurricular activities, and overall
       The academic structure encompasses   the smooth conduct of examinations,   student development.
       various faculties, each headed by a   and the Finance O cer manages  scal   This comprehensive organizational
       Dean, overseeing disciplines such as   matters.  Other departments include   structure re ects DSU’s commitment
       Engineering, Medicine, Health Sciences   Human Resources, International A airs,   to academic excellence, administrative
       that include: Pharmacy, Nursing,   Placement and Sports.
                                                                            e ciency, and the overall growth of its
                                                                            students and faculty.

                                         Organizational Structure

                                       Pro Chancellor

                                      Pro Vice-Chancellor        Pro Vice-Chancellor     Pro Vice-Chancellor
                                      (Health Sciences)       (Engineering & Technology)  New Initiatives

                      Chief     Controller of   Dean Research    Admission
        Registrar    Finance     Examinations  & Innovation   Branding &   Placements  Deans of Medical Science,
                                                                                    Engineering, Law, Basic & Applied
                     O cer                               Marketing                 Science, Commerce & Management,
                                                                                   Arts & Humanities, Journalism, Allied
                                                                                     Health Science, Pharmaceutical
         Deputy      Accounts    Deputy       Deputy     Admissions    Placements    Science, Physiotherapy, Nursing.
         Registrars  Assistants   Registrars   Registrars  Assistants  Assistant

        Assistant                Assistant    Assistant                           Chairpersons 1  Chairpersons n
        Registrars               Registrars   Registrars

                                                                                    Faculty 1       Faculty n
              Outreach   International    Industrial          Special Purpose
               Activity    A airs      Relations     Alumni      Vehicles            Sta  1         Sta  n

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