Page 14 - DSU Handbook
P. 14

B.Tech - Computer Science &       Why Study CSE (AI & ML) at DSU:    Research-Centered and Liberal
       Engineering (Arti cial Intelligence and   The AI market’s rapid expansion opens   Education: DSU encourages
       Machine Learning)                 vast job opportunities, and DSU’s   undergraduate research, exposing
                                         program develops specialist skills   students to a community of world-class
       DSU’s four-year undergraduate program   through hands-on practice, project-  researchers. The curriculum includes
       in Computer Science & Engineering   based learning, and mentorship. It   liberal arts courses, supporting holistic
       (Arti cial Intelligence & Machine   emphasizes personality development,   competency development. The
       Learning) combines core Computer   industry talks, and activities by   department collaborates with esteemed
       Science concepts with specialized   student clubs. The curriculum aligns   organizations like IISc, IBM Research
       training in Arti cial Intelligence and   with industry needs, focusing on   Zurich, and Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
       Machine Learning. Designed for those   foundational courses, liberal arts, and   Medical Science.
       interested in developing intelligent   emerging technologies. Graduates can
       solutions across diverse domains, the   pursue diverse careers in healthcare,
       curriculum includes Natural Language    nance, and more.
       Processing, Text Mining, Robotics, and   Innovative Teaching for
       more. In response to the exponential   World-Class Learning:            Key Highlights:
       growth of AI markets, the program   DSU’s CSE (AI & ML) department      ▶ Integrated Liberal Education
       prepares students for various roles such   boasts highly quali ed faculty from   Program
       as Data Scientist, AI/ML Engineer, and   renowned institutions. Adopting
       Research Scientist.                                                     ▶ Student-Centered Pedagogy
                                         diverse teaching pedagogies, the
                                         department emphasizes project-based   ▶ Blended & Hybrid Learning
                                         and research-based learning, making   ▶ Startup Ecosystem for
                                         education interactive, supportive, and   Entrepreneurship
                                         challenging. DSU fosters independent
                                         thinkers, encourages lifelong learning,   ▶ Emphasis on Design-Oriented
                                         and employs innovative teaching       Thinking
                                         techniques.                           ▶ Flexibility in Elective Courses
                                                                               ▶ Targeted Skill Development for
                                                                               Future Roles

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