Page 18 - DSU Handbook
P. 18

B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)

       The 4-year undergraduate program   Why Choose Data Science at        Industry-Relevant Curriculum: The
       in Computer Science (Data Science)   DSU?                            curriculum aligns with top institutes,
       at Dayananda Sagar University                                        ensuring graduates are adept in data
       provides a comprehensive education   Future-Ready Skills: The program   science, and meeting industry 4.0 and
       in data analytics, statistics, machine   integrates 21st-century skills, o ering   5.0 requirements.
       learning, and arti cial intelligence.   liberal education, new-age skills, and   Skill Development: Students bene t
       The curriculum, aligned with premier   project-based learning, preparing   from hands-on practice, active learning,
       institutes globally, emphasizes liberal   students for the dynamic data-driven   and project-based models, enhancing
       education, hands-on projects, and   industries.                      employability skills for rewarding
       specialized courses.              Career Opportunities: A degree in Data   careers.
                                         Science opens doors to roles such as
                                         Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business   Data Science @DSU: The Data Science
                                         Analyst, and more, with vast applications   Club organizes workshops and webinars
                                         in sectors like  nance, healthcare, and IT   led by industry experts, o ering insights
                                         services.                          into emerging topics and fostering skill

                                             Key Highlights:
                                             ▶ Global Pioneers: Graduates are equipped to be global pioneers,
                                             acquiring, managing, and analyzing data to solve challenges in research
                                             and business.
                                             ▶ Flexibility: The curriculum o ers  exibility with professional electives,
                                             and open elective courses, and emphasizes skill training for industry
                                             ▶ Internship Opportunities: Students gain industry exposure through
                                             ample internship opportunities, bridging the gap between academia and
                                             real-world applications in data science.

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