Page 21 - DSU Handbook
P. 21

B.Tech - Mechanical Engineering    Why Choose Mechanical
                                               Engineering at DSU?                   Key Highlights:

            Embark on an innovative            Career Opportunities: ME opens doors   ▶ Accreditations: Accredited by
            learning journey at Dayananda      to bright opportunities with high     UGC, AICTE New Delhi, and Higher
            Sagar University’s Department      salaries, top multinational companies,   Education Council Bangalore.
            of Mechanical Engineering          and specialization in cutting-edge    ▶ Outcome-Based Education: The
            (ME). O ering undergraduate,       domains like automation, design,      program focuses on transformative
            postgraduate, vocational, and      manufacturing, renewable energy,      applications and follows an
            Ph.D. programs, ME stands as       automotive, and public services.      outcome-based education
            the cornerstone of modern          Specialist Skills: The program, guided   approach.
            organizations. With a robust       by research-active faculty, emphasizes
            foundation in design, thermal,     hands-on practice, project-based      ▶ Specializations: ME allows
            industrial engineering, and        learning, and active models for a holistic   specialization in additive
            automation, ME nurtures creativity,   learning experience.               manufacturing, hybrid and electric
            innovation, and employability.                                           vehicles, robotics, and automation,
            The department, guided by a        Professional Development: Active      o ering a cutting-edge syllabus.
            distinguished faculty, places a    student chapters under societies like   ▶ State-of-the-Art Facilities: The
            strong emphasis on outcome-based   SAE and ISHRAE host industry experts,   department provides top-notch
            education, providing state-of-the-art   fostering personality development on   computational and experimental
            infrastructure and actively fostering   advanced technologies.           facilities.
            research, consultancy, and industry   Mentorship: Assigned faculty mentors
            collaboration. Elevate your education   guide students on careers, course   ▶ Industry Internships: Students
            in mechanical engineering and      content, and academic challenges.     gain real-world experience through
            prepare for a dynamic future at DSU.                                     outstanding industry internships.
                                               Placements: Graduates are industry-
                                               ready, with ample placement           ▶ Hands-On Learning: Emphasis
                                               opportunities and internships in reputed   on extensive hands-on practice,
                                               core companies.                       project-based learning, and active
                                                                                     models ensures students are
                                               Career Opportunities in ME:           industry-ready.
                                               Diverse Sectors: ME graduates  nd     ▶ Skill Training: Focus on
                                               opportunities in core mechanical      employability skills development,
                                               and IT industries, with employers like   including technical and soft skills,
                                               Quest Global, Toyota, Bosch Rexroth,   prepares students for diverse roles
                                               Accenture, and more.                  in various domains.
                                               Job Roles: Positions include Design
                                               Engineer, Power Plant Engineer,
                                               Automation Engineer, Data Analyst,
                                               Marketing, Maintenance Engineer, and

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