Page 19 - DSU Handbook
P. 19

B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security)

            The Department of Computer Science   State-of-the-Art Facilities: The   Key Highlights:
            and Engineering (Cyber Security) at   department provides advanced
            Dayananda Sagar University o ers   computational and experimental      ▶ Outcome-Based Education:
            a cutting-edge B.Tech. program     facilities, fostering a conducive   Tailored teaching and learning
            focusing on the vital aspects of   environment for skill development.  approach focusing on de ned
            securing personal and organizational                                   outcomes.
            data. Established in 2020, the     Emphasis on Employability: O ering   ▶ Industry Collaboration: MoUs
            department operates under AICTE    ample placement opportunities,      with multinational companies
            approval and features a committed   industry internships, and mentorship,   and government agencies.
            faculty with extensive research and   the program prepares students for
            industry experience.               rewarding careers in cutting-edge   ▶ Internship Opportunities:
                                               applications within reputed core    Ample industry internships on
            Why Choose CSE (Cyber              companies.                          cutting-edge applications.
            Security) at DSU?                  Holistic Development: The           ▶ Skill Training: Emphasis on

            Dynamic Learning Environment: The   Department Students Club actively   employability skills, technical
            curriculum follows Outcome-Based   enhances professional and personality   pro ciency, and soft skills.
            Education, integrating project-based   development through webinars,   ▶ Global Perspective: Curriculum
            and active learning models to impart   seminars, industrial visits, and expert   designed to match international
            theoretical knowledge and practical   talks on emerging cybercrime and   standards for a comprehensive
            skills.                            security trends.                    education in Cyber Security.
            Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
            Aligned with premier institutes and
            global universities, the program
            ensures graduates are pro cient in
            both Computer Science and Cyber
            Security, meeting industry 4.0 and 5.0

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