Page 48 - DSU Handbook
P. 48
B Design The curriculum is thoughtfully crafted innovation and a commitment
to cover a broad spectrum of design to creating designs that make a
Bachelor of Design disciplines, including product design, meaningful impact in the global design
user experience (UX) design, graphic landscape. If you aspire to unleash your
The Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) program design, game design, animation and creative potential and shape the future
at Dayananda Sagar University is a more. Students engage in hands- through design, the Bachelor of Design
dynamic and comprehensive program on projects, fostering practical skills program at Dayananda Sagar University
that propels students into the exciting and a deep understanding of design is the gateway to an exciting and
world of design. It is a four-year full-time principles. The program emphasizes ful lling journey in the world of design.
degree program that equips students real-world applications, ensuring that
with industrially relevant knowledge graduates are industry-ready upon The College of Design and Digital
and skills that are required to become completion. Transmedia o ers a Four-Year (Eight
a professional designer. Rooted in Semester) program in the following
creativity and innovation, this four- One of the standout features is the specializations:
year undergraduate program equips state-of-the-art design labs and 1. Product Design
students with a diverse skill set essential workshops, providing students with a
for thriving in the ever-evolving design stimulating environment to bring their 2. User Experience Design
industry. With creativity as its main ideas to life. Expert faculty, with a blend 3. Animation & VFX
driver, usability, aesthetics, functionality of academic knowledge and industry
and sustainability are considered as experience, guide students in honing 4. Game Design
the focal points of design. This course their creativity and critical thinking. Specialization in Product design
combines the knowledge of science, With a focus on industry trends and
technology, human behavior, and emerging technologies, the Bachelor of Specializing in Product Design
society to address human needs Design course at DSU prepares students within a Bachelor of Design program
spanning across the various levels of for diverse career paths, including o ers students a unique pathway to
Maslow’s hierarchy. In this program. product developers, UX/UI specialists, explore the intersection of creativity,
students are nurtured to apply graphic designers, game designers, functionality, and innovation. Over four
emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, animators, and design entrepreneurs. years, students delve into the intricacies
AR and VR, and Additive Manufacturing The program instills a passion for of designing physical objects, from
to develop systems that address real- everyday items to groundbreaking
world problems. inventions. Here’s a glimpse into what
you can expect from a specialization in
Product Design:
1. Design Thinking and Problem-
Solving: Students learn to identify
user needs, analyze market trends, and
conceptualize solutions through the
lens of design thinking. This approach
emphasizes empathy, ideation,
prototyping, and iteration to tackle real-
world challenges.
2. Technical Skills Development: From
sketching and 3D modeling to material
exploration and prototyping, students
acquire a diverse set of technical
skills essential for bringing their
design concepts to life. They also gain
pro ciency in CAD (Computer Aided
Design) software and other relevant
tools used in the industry.
3. Understanding User Experience (UX)
and Ergonomics: Product designers
prioritize user experience, ensuring that
their designs are user-friendly, intuitive,
and ergonomic. Through coursework
and hands-on projects, students learn
to conduct user research, create user
personas, and design products that
resonate with their intended audience.