Page 52 - DSU Handbook
P. 52

The School of                     Post Graduate Program              Ph.D. Program
       Basic and Applied                 • Master of Science -Biochemistry  • Biochemistry, Biotechnology,
                                                                            Chemistry, Genetics, and
       Sciences (SBAS)                   • Master of Science - Biotechnology  Microbiology
                                         • Master of Science – Microbiology  The department o ers a Ph.D. program
       BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD              The school is known to o er a well-  focusing on specialized areas like

       SBAS at Dayananda Sagar University   structured MSc program (Biochemistry,   extremophiles, industrially important
       (DSU) is dedicated to excellence in   Biotechnology, and Microbiology)   enzymes, waste management,
       innovation, teaching, and research,   with a deeper theoretical base as   computer-aided drug discovery,
       connecting academia with industry.  well as practical insights along with   phytochemistry, wound healing,
                                         research projects involving in vitro and   nanotechnology, polymer chemistry,
       SBAS prides on state-of-the-art   in vivo experiments. The department   therapeutics/prophylactics/diagnostics
       infrastructure, well-equipped     regularly conducts skill enhancement   for bacterial infections, etc.
       laboratories, and dedicated faculty with   workshops, industrial visits, and seminars
       Ph.D. and post-doctoral experience.   to empower students and keep them   A great testament to the school’s
       The school actively engages in    updated on recent scienti c advances.   research prowess is its research scholars.
       transformative research, addressing   Our PG students have received INSA   The school has already witnessed 12
       global issues like cancer biology,   summer research fellowships, and have   PhD being awarded and 10 research
       antimicrobial resistance, environmental   won awards for best presentations in   scholars who are currently pursuing
       microbiology etc.                 several conferences besides achieving   full-time PhD including scholars with
                                                                            DST-INSPIRE and CSIR JRF fellowships.
       SBAS has attained Rs 2.05 crores-   DST-INSPIRE fellowship for higher
       state and national-level sponsored   studies.
       research projects, published more
       than 200 faculty-led research articles
       in international journals, six patents,
       and established collaborations with
       national and international organizations.
       Apart from academic achievements,
       the school nurtures students through
       technical clubs, cultural events, and
       industry partnerships. SBAS emphasizes
       practical education, soft skill training,
       and internships, ensuring students are
       well-prepared for diverse career paths in
       academia, research, or industry.
       Undergraduate program: BSc (Hons)
       • Biochemistry, Biotechnology,
       Chemistry, Genetics & Microbiology
       With a strong focus on the National
       Educational Policy (NEP) and holistic
       student development, SBAS o ers
       NEP-B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) honours
       program, emphasizing interdisciplinary
       knowledge. The curriculum covers
       di erent disciplines of life sciences
       (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry,
       Genetics, Microbiology) allowing
       students to choose majors and minors.

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