Page 49 - DSU Handbook
P. 49

4. Manufacturing Processes and
            Materials: A deep understanding of
            manufacturing processes and materials
            is crucial for product designers.
            Students study various manufacturing
            techniques, such as injection molding,
            CNC machining, and 3D printing, and
            explore a wide range of materials to
            make informed design decisions.
            5. Sustainability and Ethical Design:
            In today’s world, sustainability and
            ethical considerations are paramount
            in product design. Students examine
            the environmental impact of their
            designs, explore sustainable materials
            and production methods, and strive
            to create products that promote social
            responsibility and ethical practices.
            6. Collaboration and Communication
            Skills: Product designers often work in
            interdisciplinary teams, collaborating
            with engineers, marketers, and other
            professionals. Students develop strong
            communication, presentation, and   By specializing in Product Design,   Specialization in User Experience
            collaboration skills to e ectively convey   students embark on a rewarding   Design
            their design ideas and collaborate with   journey to become versatile designers
            stakeholders throughout the design   capable of creating impactful and   Specializing in User Interface (UI) and
            process.                                                              User Experience (UX) Design within
                                               innovative products that enrich people’s   a Bachelor of Design program opens
            7. Industry Engagement and         lives. Whether designing consumer   up a world of opportunities at the
            Professional Development: This     electronics, furniture, or medical   intersection of technology, creativity,
            B.Design program o er opportunities   devices, graduates of this program are   and human-centered design. In this
            for students to engage with industry   well-equipped to thrive in a diverse   specialization, students delve into the
            professionals through internships,   range of industries and make a positive   art and science of creating intuitive,
            design competitions, and industry-  di erence through their designs.  engaging, and visually appealing
            sponsored projects. These experiences                                 digital experiences that enhance
            provide valuable insights into the                                    user satisfaction and interaction with
            realities of the design profession and                                websites, applications, and other digital
            help students build their professional                                platforms.

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