Page 59 - DSU Handbook
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College of Allied B.Sc., Renal Dialysis Technology:
Health Sciences Specialize in dialysis therapy, ensuring
e ective patient care. Learn the
BSc, MPH technology behind maintaining arti cial
kidney machines. The curriculum covers
Welcome to the dynamic eld of Allied Anatomy, Biochemistry, Renal disease
Health Sciences at Dayananda Sagar concepts, and Dialysis Technology.
University, where healthcare meets
innovation. With India emerging as a B.Sc., Cardiac Care Technology:
global healthcare hub, the academic Understand the circulatory system,
programs in Allied Health Sciences operate complex equipment, and
play a pivotal role in shaping skilled intervene in cardiac issues. Specialize
professionals. These individuals, integral in adult and pediatric cardiac care. Postgraduate Program:
to the medical team, contribute The curriculum includes Anatomy, Masters in Public Health:
expertise in preventive, curative, and Biochemistry, and Advanced Cardiac-
rehabilitative patient care. The graduates care technology. Dive into disease epidemiology, health
are adept at con dently assisting in determinants, and public policy-making.
technology-driven medical procedures, B.Sc., Optometry: Bridge clinical and managerial aspects,
making them sought-after Medical Determine patients’ vision, correct o ering techno-managerial insights.
Technologists. refractive errors, and address eye-related The curriculum covers Biostatistics,
Undergraduate Programs: diseases. Restore normal vision using Epidemiology, Health Policy, Nutrition,
approved methods and equipment. and Global Health.
B.Sc., Medical Laboratory The curriculum includes Anatomy, Admission Criteria:
Technology: Physiology, and Concepts of visual
Uncover the health mysteries by optics. B.Sc. Allied Health Sciences:
performing clinical tests on bodily uids B.Sc., Audiology and Speech- Pre-University examination or equivalent
and tissues. The curriculum includes Language Pathology: with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Masters in Public Health:
Microbiology, and Pathology. Study hearing, speech, and balance
disorders. Diagnose, treat, and provide MBBS/BDS/BAMS/B.Sc Nursing/BPT/B.
B.Sc.: Medical Imaging and Radiology supportive care for patients with Pharm/B.Sc Allied Health Sciences with
Technology communication and swallowing 50% marks.
Operate medical imaging equipment disorders. The curriculum includes Duration and Medium:
for diagnosing and treating injuries and Anatomy, Physiology, and Audiology.
diseases. Learn radiography, sonography, Undergraduate:
and radiation treatments under Four years, including a one-year
professional supervision. The curriculum internship, with English as the medium
includes Anatomy, Physiology, Imaging of instruction.
Physics, and Patient Care.
Masters in Public Health:
B.Sc.: Anesthesia and Operation
Theater Technology Two years, with English as the medium
of instruction.
Join the multidisciplinary team in
operation theatres. Master the setup,
and maintenance of anesthesia
equipment, and support in
perioperative and emergencies. The
curriculum spans Anatomy, Physiology,
Biochemistry, and Advanced Anesthesia.
B.Sc., Emergency & Trauma Care
Be a frontline healthcare professional
providing diagnostic, curative, and
preventive services. Learn advanced
clinical procedures for emergencies,
pediatrics, and trauma. The curriculum
covers a range of medical sciences.