Page 64 - DSU Handbook
P. 64

The DSU Library


       The library at Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) serves as a vital center
       for academic resources and support. It is designed to accommodate
       up to 1000 students simultaneously and o ers a diverse range of
       materials and services to foster learning and research.

         Key Features:                   Kindle Smart E-Reading Zone Service:
         The library houses an extensive   The library o ers Kindle e-readers
         collection comprising books, CDs,   equipped with a vast selection of
         DVDs, periodicals, and online   e-books, featuring user-friendly
         resources, all aimed at meeting the   functionalities such as portability and
         academic needs of students and   integrated dictionaries. This service
         faculty.                        enhances access to electronic resources
                                         for students and faculty.
         Advanced technologies such as
         Koha are employed for e cient   Discussion Rooms:
         library management, including   Ten dedicated study zones equipped
         access control and data tracking.
                                         with modern amenities like LCD
                                         monitors and internet connections
         Special provisions like the book   monitors and internet connections
                                                               or g
                                                       e spaces f
                                            vide conduciv
         bank facility cater to the unique   provide conducive spaces for group
                                         provide conducive spaces for group
         needs of certain student groups.  discussions, seminars, and project work. .
                                                          , and pr
                                                  , seminars
                                         discussions, seminars, and project work.
                                                                    t w
                                              e P
                                         Future Plans:
                                         Future Plans:
                                         T he librar y ’ s futur e initiativ es include
                                         The library’s future initiatives include
                                         The library’s future initiatives include
       Collections:                      implementing RFID t echnology f or
                                         implementing RFID technology for
                                         implementing RFID technology for
                                         e cienc
                                                              tual librar
                                                 , establishing vir
                                         e ciency, establishing virtual library
       The library boasts a rich array of   e ciency, establishing virtual library
                                         collaborations with foreign institutions,
                                         collaborations with foreign institutions,
       resources across various disciplines, with   collaborations with f or eig n institutions ,
                                         enhancing digital library collections, and
       each school and college within DSU   enhancing dig ital librar y collec tions , and
                                         enhancing digital library collections, and
                                            oducing con
                                                       enient f
       contributing to this comprehensive   introducing convenient features
                                         introducing convenient features
                                         like self-checkout stations
                                         like self-checkout stations
       collection.                       lik e self- check out stations
                                         and handheld r eaders .
                                         and handheld readers.
                                         and handheld readers.
       Online Resources and Databases:
       DSU subscribes to several reputed
       online databases and resources,
       o ering students and faculty access
       to a wealth of academic material.
       Additionally, corporate memberships
       and institutional repositories further
       enhance resource accessibility.
       A wide range of services is available to
       library patrons, including book lending,
       reservation, reference assistance, digital
       access, interlibrary loans, and more.
       These services aim to facilitate research,
       learning, and academic success.
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